Recognizing WSP's legacy of hospitality and
fellowship over meals, it is most appropriate that we
dedicate our Church Hall in their honour. May it be a
space where all are welcome.
Thank you, God, for welcoming us and inviting us
to your table.
We dedicate the Church Hall today praying that it be
filled with activity, conversation, laughter, storytelling,
good food and comfort.
Thank you, God, may your Spirit enliven our
We dedicate the Church Hall trusting that it will be a
hub for fellowship - a place where community and
church come together, a place where people get to
know one another and grow in their love of
neighbour, self, and you, O God.
Let us pray.
Blessed are you, Celebratory God.
Your gifts are many, and in wisdom you have made
all things to give you glory. Be with us now and bless
us as we dedicate the Westminster St. Paul's
Memorial Church Hall to your praise and
honour. Give us joy in all your works, and grant that
this Hall may always be a place where your will is
done and your name is glorified; through your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.