Board of Managers Minutes 2013 - 2019

Westminster - St. Pauls

Board of Managers

April 17, 2013

Present: Sandra, Norm, Sue, Kay, Joanne, & Avril

Opening Prayer: Joanne

Minutes of March 20, 2013 read & accepted

Correspondence: none

Treasurers Report:
Five Sundays in March.

Snow removal a good deal, suggest we go the same way next winter.

Finances on track with last year.

Session Report:
Ladies Night funds to go to current budget.

Ladies Night Joanne gave details.

New Business:
Don Hunter is concerned about the filthy condition of the kitchen & hall, garbage left and filthy dishwasher after rental.

Discussion ground rules? Charges?

Possibly a deposit? Will review contract, to be passed on to Session.

Norm has called Harlock - Shultz about basement fluorescent light.

Norm cleaned yard.

Rahab possibly June 4, 2013

Spring cleanup - Ron

Next meeting:
May 15,2013

Closing with prayer: Kay

Westminster-St. Paul's

Doard of Managers

Decenber 20, 2013

No Minutes

next meetingJan. 22, 2014

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

February 20, 2013

PRESENT Kay, Wayne, Norm, Ron, Darlene, Sue, Joanne, Avril

Kay opened with prayer

January minutes read,

Pancake supper proceeds 25 % to Rahab 75 % to operating fund

Total Net $ 687.00 ( served about 160 people )

Correspondence no action to take

Treasurers report by Sue Aram, Sue made some amendments to report

Session report nothing to report

Ladies night in April -
Chairwoman Joanne planning speakers ( cancer & rahab )

one cake, tea, and coffee

price $ 6:00

Annual Meeting
board responsible for set up ( 30/40 people )

Ron is to be away March / April

Joanne to chair March 20, 2013

Kay to chair April 17,2013

Old business-
inventory update

Kay to chair ( use last inventory with in 2 months Take photos to support inventory)

New business-
update sign committee list- done

Kay closed with prayer

Westminster- St.Paul's

Board of Managers

March 20, 2013

Present: Kay, Sue, Sandra, Norm, Darlene, Joanne, Avril

Opening: prayer Kay

Minutes of February 20, 2013 read and accepted.

Renewing contract for Linton Landscaping $ 635.25 & $156.00

Treasurers Report: In line with last year

Rahab presentation & lasagne dinner

Isabelle Atkins will come to speak.

Sue will hold Pancake Supper money until then.

Karla bought Solution Box, it connects laptop to the power point.

Two heaters fixed in the entry way, Sue to pay

Ladies Night:
Aril 18, 2013 from 7-9 pm. Tickets $ 6.00

Speaker: Cancer survivor & Jessica Peters from

Mary Ann's Place

New Business:
Norm replaced two flood lights above choir

Exit light needs replacing, Norm will fix.

Indoor/Outdoor thermostat needs installing.

Ron is looking into it. The furnace contractor left the furnace running all summer. No rebate so far.

Next Meeting:
April 17, 2013, Joanne will chair

Closing: Joanne with Pray

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

May 15, 2013

Minutes: Read & accepted

Treasurer's Report:
We are below budget, Sue is concerned about the cash flow.

Treasurer's Report was accepted as read by Ron and seconded by Norm.

Ladies Night:
25 ladies attended, the $ 144.00 raised was donated to the church. There may be another in the fall.

New Business:
Linton Landscaping is to make plans for the long bed in front of old study & front bed under Minister's study. Linton Landscaping to contact Ron.

Ron to buy a dozen (12) ant traps.

Rental contract under review.

Norm to look into new lines for the parking lot.

Suggestion for a summer picnic. Board of Managers declined as they are doing Turkey Supper, Pancake Supper, and Spaghetti Supper.

Spaghetti Dinner:
To be held June 14, 2013 @ $12:00 per plate.

Closing Pray: Kay

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

November 20, 2013

Present: Wayne, Gord, Norm, Sandra, Darlene, Sue, Avril, Ron.

Gord opened with prayer:

Minutes: accepted

Treasurer: to be discussed in New Year.

Turkey Supper:
The profit will go into Operating Fund used to cover budgeted cost of Agape, Knox Drug. Leaving the difference in Operating Fund after budgeted amount.

Session Report:
Session approved a concert November 27, 2013

Committee Reports:
Christmas get together 7:00 p.m. 18th December, 2013, bring cookies.

Lodder Brothers have not made a reply on snow removal. Sandra to contact.

Furnace defer to next year, to leave money to cover budget approximately $17,000.00 to $18,000.00

Vacuum cleaner new cord cost $70.00

Succession Ron is leaving his post as Chairman of Board of Managers, we must find a replacement.

New Business:
Norm has covered the air conditioner, the breaker over, outside water is turned off, and bulb burned out on exit sign.

Darlene reported that the furnace room sink is thick with slime, and toilet in the old study is in very poor condition. To be passed on to Personal Committee.

Turkey Supper Improvements:
Use the pass through doors to servers.

Gord reported that someone was sick from the turkey supper. Turnip ran out, the dressing was unattractive but delicious. Pea's not good enough quality.

The turkey was too expensive, because you cannot buy larger birds at sale prices.

Next meeting: December 18 2013

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

October16, 2013

Present: Gord, Norm, Sandra, Darlene, Ron & Avril:

Gord opened with prayer.

Minutes; amended and accepted:

Treasurer's Report: no report:

No Correspondence:

Turkey Supper: proceeds to Knox Drugs & Drop In Centre as Community Outreach:

Committee Reports: Lodder Bros. will be contacted for snow removal.

Sign roster needs up-dating. New members are required.

If kitchen needs clean mops or other items get them.

Look into getting an indoor/outdoor thermostat.

Budget 2014:
It is suggested that we not make any changes from 2013.

The $ 2000.00 set a side for Linton Landscaping be re-allocated.

Turkey Supper:
Shortage of turkey cooks led us to have Orion Catering cook our 160 lbs. ( next year will need 180 lbs ). He also made dressing & gravy.

The cost was $ 100.00 and the birds were cooked perfectly.

Turkeys: seven cooked by Orion ( 163.5 lbs) one cooked by Kay (16.5 lbs)

Total of 180lbs of turkey

Potatoes: 80 lbs .cooked by congregation & 20 lbs in church kitchen.

Total of 100 lbs (90 would have been enough)

Turnips: 25 large ( need 5 more or use a smaller serving )

Coleslaw: May Winfield 6 cabbages, 2 carrots, bunch of green onions

Miracle Whip & coleslaw dressing.


Pies: 32

Two heaters rented for turkeys.

Gross $ 2,811.60

Expenses $ 774.00

Net Profit $ 2,037.60

Next Meeting November 20, 2013

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

September 18, 2013

Present: Kay, Gord, Norm, Sue, Wayne, Darlene, Ron & Avril

Kay opened with prayer

Minutes: Read & accepted

Treasurers Report:
The giving was lower over the summer, see report $ 16,000 needed to end of

We are not over spending.

Need to start thinking about budget.

Old Business:
Ron will review Linton Landscaping contract.

Church Rental Contract not yet approved by Session.

Margaret is actively telling people to deal with garbage.

New Business:
We accept with regret the leave of absence of Joanne Grinwiss.

Session Report: Norm Harrison reported on the screen.

Worship Committee still on going.

Committee Reports:
Gord checking fire extinguishers monthly and signing the card.

Linton Landscaping no action despite our calls.

Discussion suggested we mow the back bed to keep neat.

Do we own a gas whipper snipper?

Check shed for tools.

Fall cleanup October 5, 2013

Joanne next door complains about weeds,

Buy roundup for the gout weed, treat long bed, and neighbour's side of fence.

Furnace will be checked & thermostat

Vacuum needs repair, take to Chushings

Don Hunter sprays for flies

Fowl Supper:
October 26, 2013

Kay to get turkeys( 7 ) & cookers, 80 potatoes, 18 turnips, 15 dozen buns, peas, butter, milk & cream.

Tow tables of 40 + 80 per sitting x tow = 160 total

Prices Adults $ 15:00, Children ( 6- 12 ) $6:00 under 6 free

Sittings 4.30 pm & 6.00 pm

Ron Robson to step down as chairman as of March 1,2014

Gord closed with prayer:

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

April 16, 2014

Present: Don, Wayne, sue, Sandra, Norm, Kay, Darlene, Mark, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Treasurers Report: The church needs $ 500:00 a week more to avoid

Committee Report:

sidewalk needs fixing

doors lights needs special bulbs

New Business:

clean up May 10, 2014 9 to 12.

Norm repaired eaves,

repaired dry wall

bought salt

will paint two walls.

Next Meeting May 21, 2014

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

February 19, 2014

Present: Darlene Brown, Sue Aram, Norm Armstrong, Kay Cormier, Ron
Robson, Avril Brown.

Opened with prayer:

Minutes: Jan. minutes read and accepted.

Treasurers Report:
January 2013 & January 2014 similar in giving and expenditure, also similar deficit of $ 12,000:00. Need to catch up.

Ushers need to fill out summary sheets correctly.

Correspondence: none

Session Report:
Session discussed audio visual system. To go to Annual Meeting.

Discussed roof.

Committee Reports:
New chairman deferred to March meeting.

Annual meeting - board responsible for set up & lunch.

Set up tables and chairs for forty.

Rental property, session to discuss in March.

Pancake Supper: March 4, 2014
$ 6:00 per adult, $ 3:00 per child ( 6 - 12 ) under 6 free.

Jane Van Dam to get butter, creamers, milk, & 500 sausages

Batter: May Winfield

Cooks: Ron, Avril, & Ross

Servers: Carol Ann Johnstone, Abby Gooding.

Dishes: Don Hunter

Needed: door, tea & coffee, clean up,

Quantities Needed: pancake mix syrup

Goal 150 people, proceeds 80 % to operating fund, 20 % to Rahab.

Medical missionaries to benefit from Spaghetti Supper.

New Business:
designate parking spot for Minister.

sign designating handicapped entrance.

replace damaged tiles in downstairs hall

Norm reported toilet & sink in old study will not clean, toilet needs a new valve.

Kay thanked Norm Armstrong for his work on the old Victoria Circle cupboard, fixed taps at dishwasher sink,

light out at front door, eaves trough needs fixing due to ice damage.

new carbon monoxide monitor.

Kay closed with prayer:

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers & Session

January 15, 2014

Karla Wubbenhorst Merle Wrightson, Eileen & Bob Renton, Michelle & George Forsyth, Kathleen Cormier, Jane & Martin Van Dam, Sue Aram, Avril Brown, Don Hunter, Norm Armstrong, Sandra Childerley, Darlene Brown, Gord Carson, Wayne Hawkes, Norm Harrison, Elspeth Singh, Cheryl Vickers, & Ron Robson.

Opened: with 1 Peter ch. 4 The stewardship of gifts

Martin presented the budget;


Last year Presbyterian Sharing was budgeted for $ 20,500:00 this year it has been lowered to $ 17,000:00 Creating an extra $ 3,500:00 ( the congregation is used to giving )

Karla would like to have V.B.S. with a paid 3 person staff, $ 1,000.

A cost of $ 40:00 for a full day, running for 5 days total cost per
child of $ 200:00 for a full week .

Karla would like to spend the extra $ 2000:00 on subsidizing musical children to go to a family music camp.

Margaret needs a new computer to come out of Priority Fund.

Mark Hunter took care of this.

Any special projects will need to be self sufficient.

Martin moved to adjourn, Seconded by Don Hunter

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

June 9, 2014

Present: unrecorded

Opened with Prayer: Kay Cormier

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Business arising from minutes:

Cool Team has turned off heat

New Business:

Hydro Lighting Program will cover up to $ 1,500.00 with the Save On Energy Program. They will bring in experts to evaluate, Norm will organize inspection.

Session: mention at door and in program about collection plates placed at back of church.

Spaghetti Supper:
set up Thursday - 7:00 p.m. 2 rows, 2 settings 4:30 & 5:30 p.m.

bought - 16 sauce, 3 spice tomatoes, parmesan, 4 kilos meat, chili peppers, ceasar salad, dressing 6 pkgs, bacon bits, 7 loaves Italian bread, 10 green peppers, 10 orange peppers, 12 - 15 boxes of strawberries.

2 servers at buffet table

Jane to get dairy products

Next Meeting: September 17, 2014.

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

March 19, 2014

Present: Mark, Kay, Norm, Gord, Sandra, Darlene, Don Cameron, Avril

Opened with Prayer: Gord

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Treasurers Report: Unavailable

Session Report:
$ 100.00 from Pancake Supper proceeds to go to Rahab.

Collection plates at the back of church, has positive reaction.

VBS a cost of $ 55.00 per week per child, helpers from KOTR $ 1000.00 for the week.

Committee Reports:
Linton Landscaping quote of $ 635.00, that includes 3 fertilizations, 2 weed spray, & 1 crab grass spray.

go a head with parking sign for minister, and handicapped parking.

seal up old study bathroom.

Gord Truscott fixed men's toilet down stairs.

lights at north door, & front door not working.

Norm put in a new carbon monoxide monitor.

Eavestrough needs looking at when snow is gone.

Norm suggests solar panels.

Ron to stay on Finance Committee

Kay Cormier to be new Chair, starting April 16, 2014 for two years.

Next Meeting April 16, 2014

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

May 21, 2014

Present: Ron, Sue, Gord, Wayne, Norm, Sandra, Darleen, Kay, and Avril.

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Business arising from minutes:

Norm repaired lights, painted four (4) walls.

Clean up went well. Wayne took five (5) loads to the dump.

Treasurers Report:
We have reduced deficit by $ 6,000:00. since the elevator is paid, & no snow to pay, we are $ 2,000:00 behind.

New Business:
Linton Landscaping has not responded, will do the work ourselves.

Ron will fix sideway.

Union Gas shut of gas to replace meter and failed to turn back on. We had no heat, and called in the Cool Team and we were billed $ 693.64, of which Union
Gas will pay $ 346.82.

Session Report:
They are sending a letter to Union Gas for the full amount.

Spaghetti Supper: will be Friday, June 13, 2014

Next Meeting: June 9, 2014

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: October 8, 2014

Present :Don C., Mark, Wayne, Sue, Sandra, Darlene, Kay, Avril, & Ron.

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

The thermostat not installed.

Gout weed, Kay delivered weed killer to neighbour used it on our side.

Committee Report:
Sandra will call about snow removal.

Prepare budget items for joint meeting in January, 2015

Discussed floor in hall. Can we approach Priority Fund?

Treasures Report: see enclosed,

Session Report: Nothing new for board

New Business: Two Smoke detectors replaced, leak fixed,

Next Meeting: October 19, 2014

Turkey Supper :
turkeys 83. 5 kilos = $ 366.02,
Oryan Catering $ 170.00 to cook turkeys, make gravy & stuffing:
32 pies, 65 lbs turnips, baby peas 8 x 1 kilo bags, 80 lbs of potatoes, one large cheese, 10 apple juice, 10 tomato juice, 12 dozen rolls, cranberry,coleslaw,
Jane Van Dam supplied dairy products:

Closed with Prayer:

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date; Sept. 17, 2014

Present: Sue, Avril, Don, Gord, Norm, Sandra, Mark, & Kay

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Report on Boiler inspection, cushion tank for furnace needs replacing.

Cool Team $ 1895.00 to supply and install Tekonar Boiler control, to go ahead budgeted for.

Treasures Report:
better than this time last year, see enclosed report.

Session: nothing new

New Business:

leak downstairs from heavy rain,

Norm met with lighting experts, voted too expensive:

Thank Norm for cutting bushes:

Ladies washroom light:

Fall clean up Oct. 4, 2014

Turkey Supper -
Oct. 25, 2014, Kay will call Oryan for price to cook turkeys.

Ticket price $ 15.00

Next Meeting: Oct. 8, 2014 to plan Turkey Supper.

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date February 18, 2015

Present: Kay Sue, Gord, Norm, & Avril.

Opened with Prayer: Gord Carson

Minutes: Moved & Accepted Norm approved & seconded Gord

Floor to cost $7,025.00 plus HST total of $7,938.15

HST will be refunded.

Committee Report: no reports

Treasures Report:
Sue reported the budget has a short fall of $3,000.00 similar to last year, details next page in book.

Session Report: no reports

New Business:
Spaghetti Supper May 15, 2015

Norm Armstrong to replace exit lights with LED lights

Next Meeting: March 18, 2015

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date January 21.2015

Present: Ron, Wayne, Norm, Mark, Sandra, Kay, Avril, & Robert

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted Mark seconded Sandra

Correspondence: none

Committee Report: none

Treasures Report:
$ 3000.00 over budget.
Proposal to allow Avril Brown to cosign cheques with Sue Aram. Moved by Mark Reid seconded by Ron Robson, accepted.

Session Report: none

New Business:
Kay read quotes for new hall floor, we need more information.

A $ 10,000.00 quote for electrical work at front of sanctuary.

Space on furnace room electrical box.

the board is authorized to spend $2,000.00 without approval from session.

Next Meeting: February 18, 2015

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: March 18, 2015

Present: Wayne, Gord, Norm, Mark, Sandra, Sue, Kay, Rob, Ron & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted Ron seconded Gord

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Norm reported a plumber's bill will come for running a soft water line to furnace.

Treasures Report: February lower than normal, statement enclosed

Deficit $ 10,810.00

Photo copying bills high, the new contract not in effect yet.

Big item the elevator service has to be paid up front.

We may have to cash a $ 10, 000.00 GIC.

Sue will make a report.

Ron motioned Treasures Report be accepted, seconded by Wayne

Session Report: none

New Business:
We may want to consider a lottery to Melt The Deficit $1:00 a ticket.

The storm water interceptor will need cleaning out, the parking lot swept, raise sidewalk where needed, caulking needed on sidewalks and ramps. Discussion about a barbeque for the clean up crew.

Also discussed fundraising by selling T-Shirts.

Spaghetti Supper

May 15, 2015

Gord Carson suggested a Gospel Quartet.

Next Meeting: April 18, 2015

Closed with Prayer: Gord

Westminster-St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: November 18, 2015

Present: Mark, Gord, Sandra, Kay, Norm, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted by Mark seconded by Gord

Lodder Brothers seasonal price of $3980.00 for snow removal, per season, sand & salt or salt $1880.00

Committee Report:
Jim L Plumbing fixed sink, Norm called them.

Gord felt the turkey supper went well, felt the take outs could have been better organized.

Treasures Report:

Session Report:
Undisclosed donation of $10,000.00 to the Chancel Fund.

The first phase has started.

Gord motioned to change from Cool Team to Waterloo Manufacturing seconded Mark Waterloo Manufacturing for boiler work charges $120.00 per hour, $0.50 per kilometer.

Cool Team is under new management do we still have a contract with them.

We need to set up protocol for who calls in trades.

New Business:
Lights in up stairs Third Day office not working.

Outside sign vandalized.

Next Meeting: December 16, 2015

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: September 16, 2015

Present: Kay, Wayne, Mark, Gord, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: no minutes over the summer.

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
The plumber unplugged line to the air conditioner in the old study

Update on boiler, it is put together, it will be tested when the weather is colder to check for leaks.

Treasures Report:
Gord Carson moved we wait for Treasurers Report until October Seconded by Mark Reid.

Session Report: Karla is away three weeks in October/2015

New Business: Fall cleanup October 3, 2015 @ 9:00am.

Turkey Supper 4:30 & 5:30 sittings.

Discuss with Third Day.

Shrove Tuesday February 9, 2016, Pancake Supper.

Kay asked who will take over The Chair January 2016

Next Meeting: October 21, 2015

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: April 20, 2016

Present: Kay, Wayne, Rob, Gord, Norm, Sandra, Sue, Darlene, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted motion by Wayne, seconded by Norm

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Norm will contact Cox or Pinder to get a price to sweep the lot.

Furnace turned off.

Spring clean up May 14, 2016 @ 9 - 12.

Down stairs old nursery very wet, need to take up carpets

Norm will contact Jim L Plumbing

Chilli Supper:
Gord to pick up rolls.

Wayne to bring chilli Friday morning

Darlene to get nine (9) desserts

Mark to set up @ 7 pm Thursday

Friday morning @ 9:30 am Marie, Kay, & Avril to set up

Gord to pick up three (3) take outs

Treasures Report:
following page. Sue has paid our assessment to Presbytery Of Waterloo Wellington for the year

Session Report: none

New Business: none

Next Meeting: May 18, 2016

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Board of Managers

Date: November 18, 2015

Present: Sue, Mark, Gord, Sandra, Kay, Norm, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Read & accepted moved Mark & seconded by Gord

Correspondence: None

Committee Report: None

Treasures Report:
Follows inserted. Sue reported a $ 5000.00 surplus

Still carrying $ 5000.00 deficit from 2015.

The hot water leak repair cost $ 2500.00

The phone and copier cost less in 2016

Session Report:
Feb 7, 2017 joint meeting of Board and Session

New Business:
Norm called in electrician to fix sanctuary light fixture.

Kay to take to Session a one year term for Gord Carson.

The church vacuum cleaner not working, need a new one.

Next Meeting: January 18, 2017

Closed with Prayer: Sandra

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: January 20, 2016

Present: Sandra, Sue, Gord, Norm, Wayne, Kay, Mark, and Avril.

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted by Norm, seconded Wayne

Waterloo Manufacturing contract $ 2162:00 for regular maintenance includes inspection & start up. We can then turn off or on ourselves.

Margaret called Bell and saved us $ 100:00 a month.

Margaret found $ 91:00 in an envelope left from Turkey Supper.

Mark motioned the money be used for Pancake Supper, seconded by Gord. Mark motioned Sue & Kay to research heating contact, seconded Sandra.

Committee Report:
Pancake Supper February 9, 2016, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Norm, Wayne, Gord & Mark to set up for 80.

Sign up sheet for helpers in Narthex.

Spaghetti Supper Kay is investigating fish fry or ½ pig.

Clean Up May 7, 2016 9 - 12 a.m.

Turkey Supper October 22, 2016, 4:30 & 6:00 servings

Norm will paint the back stairwell.

Kay will still on as chair for another year.

Joint Board & Session February 2, 2016

Treasures Report: enclosed.

Sue will check with Bob Renton about Harlock - Schultz bills to see if they are all for the chancel.

Session Report: None

New Business:
Gord feels that we should look into Youth Minister to increase Sunday School.

Next Meeting: February 17, 2016

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster-St. Paul's
Board of Managers
Date: March 16, 2016

Present: Kay, Mark, Sandra, Sue, Gord, Wayne, Norm, & Avril

Open with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Read & Accepted, by Mark seconded by Wayne.

Past due Oosterveld Heating $ 685.00 plus $ 89.00 for replacement motor and diagnostic service.

Spring cleanup May 10, 2016?

Leak in old nursery seems to be in wall. Norm suggests a plumber with a camera to look in pipes.

Mark motioned to take off down pipe extension, seconded by Wayne.

A request to replace toilets in men's washroom. Not enough money. Norm to train someone to turn furnace on/off, Wayne accepted.

Gord motioned Wayne be trained, seconded by Mark.

Chili instead of Spaghetti Dinner April 22, 2016.

Chili Dinner $ 12.00 person

Committee Report:

Treasure's: Small surplus $ 2,337.00 for the month.

Session Report: None

Next Meeting:

Close with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: May 18, 2016

Present: Wayne, Gord, Sandra, Kay, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Guelph Power Sweeping gave the best quote at $335.00 to sweep the parking lot.

Committee Report:

The annual clean up was rained out.

Furnace turned off.

Old nursery carpet needs taking up.

Broken hot water pipe in the floor of the old nursery.

There is a 475.00 rebate for each of the two new toilets for the men's washroom.

J.L. Plumbing to install.

Chili Supper cleared $300.00

Treasures Report:

Sue reported we are $6000.00 short of our budget.

Session Report:

New Business:

Next Meeting: June 15, 2016 (bring a light snack).

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: 19 October, 2016

Present: Mark, Sue, Wayne, Gord, Norm, Kay, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted Mark and seconded Gord

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
The nursery floor George removed the carpets.

The contractor refused to remove the tiles he is not licensed to remove asbestos.

Norm removed the tiles. It will cost $1,100.00 to replace the tiles.

Funds to come from Priority Fund.

Sue will apply for toilet rebate.

Snow removal $4,000.00 for snow removal $ 1,950.00 sanding & salting.

Gord motioned to accept snow contract, seconded Mark.

Turkey Supper:
Turkey 170 pounds (75.4 Kilos), Turnip 55 pounds, peas 8 kilos

Treasures Report:
$12,000.00 deficit, we could end the year with a small deficit.

Report follows

Session Report:

New Business: Wayne agrees to take the chair.

Next Meeting:

Closed with Prayer: Kay

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: April 19, 2017

Present: Kay, Sue, Sandra, Norm, Mark, Gord, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:
We are behind because of repairs and the Presbytery Allocation is paid up.

Report to follow.

Spaghetti Supper,
called for a vote No 5, Yes 2

Session Report:

New Business:
Norm reports Michelle Forsyth requests a paper towel holder beside the dishwasher. Dispenser to cost $ 30.00.

The LED lights are quoted at $ 18,420.00, too much money.

The pay back savings would take 6 years.

Next Meeting: May 17, 2017

Closed with Prayer: Gord

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date:February 15, 2017

Present: Kay, Sue, Norm, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report: none

Treasures Report:
Surplus of $ 4,188.00 for 2016, report to follow

Sue applied for toilet rebates.

Session Report: none

New Business:-
sign still not working.

2 parking lights still not working

waiting for better weather

eaves trough repaired

L.E.D. lights, variable, Trinity expects to save $ 5,000.00

Government grant for $ 5,000.00 Jamie Pilkey Lite Source

there was an opened valve in furnace room.

Pancake Supper: -
all bought, one helper needed & dishwashers.

Next Meeting: Kay

Closed with Prayer: March 15, 2017

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: March 15, 2017

Present: Kay, Sue, Norm, Gord, Sandra, Wayne, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Does Hydro still give a rebate for LED lighting?

Quote on LED lights for sign?

Spaghetti Supper
Friday May 12, 2017

Adults $ 12.00 - Children 6 - 12 $ 6.00 - Under free.

Ice pulls down eaves trough even with barriers.

Cleaned out stormceptor $ 2,200.00, removes silt and oily water.

Treasures Report: On track

Session Report:

New Business:

Next Meeting: April 19, 2017

Closed with Prayer: Gord

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: October 18, 2017

Present: Norm, Mark, Gord, Sue, Sandra, Kay, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Discussed Turkey Supper

Treasures Report: enclosed report

Session Report: none

New Business: none

Next Meeting: November 15, 2017

Closed with Prayer: Gord

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: April 18, 2018

Present: Wayne, Mark, Avril, and Norm

Opened with Prayer: Wayne

Moved & Accepted Norm, seconded by Mark

Correspondence: none

Committee Report: none

Treasures Report: none

Session Report: none

New Business:
We discussed sweeping the lot by hand, decided to get the lot power swept.

Wayne and Mark checked out the smell in the kitchen.

They moved the fridge, no dead mouse. The fridge tray is not removable, Wayne will clean it.

There is water in old nursery again.

Ask Martin to call the city and ask them if they would check out the pipe with a camera.

Norm called Harlock - Shultz to change parking lot lights to LED lights. This will cost $ 8,000.00. The Board decided to repair the present lights.

We discussed painting lines in parking lot, no decision made.

Next Meeting: May 16, 2018

Closed with Prayer: Wayne

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date:December 12, 2018

Present: Bruce, Wayne, Sandra & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Bruce

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:

Session Report:

New Business:
Pancake supper discussion, the date will be Tuesday March 5, 2019

The group enjoyed sherry and Christmas treats.

Next Meeting: January 16, 2019

Closed with Prayer: Silent Prayer

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: Feb. 21/2018

Present Kay, Mark, Wayne, Sue, Gord, Sandra, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Kay

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:$ 3,000.00 deficit for Jan./2018

Session Report:

New Business:
Wayne - water in old nursery.

Kay bought down spout extension and tray. Problem may be the underground pipe leading to the storm ceptor

The problem could be the sump pump. Call in a plumber.

Pancake Supper made $ 400.00 profit.

Spring cleanup no date set.

Congratulations Bruce Hawkins our new chairman.

Wayne & Gord to set up chairs for Annual Meeting.

Kay & Avril in charge of lunch.

Next Meeting: March 21/2018

Closed with Prayer: Gord

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: 21 March 2018

Present: Bruce, Sue, Avril, Wayne, Norm, Sandra, and Gord.

Opened with Prayer: Bruce

Minutes: Accepted, Moved Gord & Seconded Sandra

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:
We are $ 6,000.00 in deficit due to low revenue.

The Nomad Dinner made $ 450.00.

Session Report: none

New Business:
Will City Works look down the storm ceptor pipe for a leak?

Spring Cleanup, get parking lot swept, outdoor raking, parking lights, indoor crew.

Automatic door to north lot not working.

Electrician from Third Day looked at it.

Gord to organize sweep of driveway Saturday 28 April, 2018.

Norm call Harlock Schultz about two parking lights burned out, and replace with LED lights.

Sandra to look into repairing sidewalk, Wayne to paint stripe on affected edges.

Next Meeting: 18 April, 2018

Closed with Prayer: Gord

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: November 21, 2018

Present: Bruce, Sue, Wayne, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Bruce

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Norm and George raked the leaves, Wayne took them to the dump.

Debbie has agreed to change the sign. Sue will contact Finance Committee regarding remuneration.

This Saturday November 24 is clean up from 10 am to 12 am.

The white sofa needs cleaning. One chair needs welding.

Treasures Report:
We are short $ 20,000.00 from last year.

There is a $4,000.00 boiler repair bill yet to be paid.

There is a $ 1,500.00 GST rebate in the mail.

Session Report: Date for joint meeting

New Business:

Next Meeting: December 12, 2018, bring cookies

Closed with Prayer: Silent Prayer

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: 17 October 2018

Present: Sue, Sandra, Bruce, Norm, and Avril.

Opened with Prayer: Sandra

Minutes: Read by Sandra

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:
Water on sanctuary floor and at backdoor. Floor stained at back door. Norm to look into it.

Roof is discoloured on west side.

Norm has shut off outside tap, covered air conditioner, and replaced bulb in fixture over the front door.

Treasures Report: Holding our own

Session Report:

New Business:

Next Meeting: 21 November 2018

Closed with Prayer: closed in silent prayer remembering Gord Carson &
his recovery.

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: April 17, 2019

Present: Bruce, Wayne, Norm, Mark, Sandra, & Avril.

Opened with Prayer: Bruce.

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report: none

Treasures Report: none

Session Report: none

New Business:
Ductwork in Alpha room, we will get quotes from Oosterveldt.

Thank you cards to Jane Van Dam and Dave Robertson for their generous donations. A neighbour has asked for pool access from our parking lot.

Bruce will not be at the April meeting.

Next Meeting: April 17, 2019

Closed with Prayer: Silent Prayer

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: February 13, 2019

Present: Bruce, Norm, Mark, Wayne, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Bruce

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:
Last year Operating Fund deficit $ 10,658.00 Plus a deficit of $ 4,800.00 from 2017.

Repairs and elevator insurance $ 45,000.00.

The focus of the Board is $ 50,000.00 to run the church.

Session Report:

New Business:
Ductwork was found in the ceiling of the Alpha Room. Check out opening it up for use.

Back stop in the drain was checked last fall.

Pancake Supper Jane to supply sausages and Dave Robertson supply dairy products.

Pancake Supper to start at 5.00 pm, will be prepared for 4.30 pm.

Next Meeting: March 20, 2019

Closed with Prayer: Silent

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: January 16, 2019

Present: Bruce, Sandra, Norm, Wayne, Mark, & Avril

Opened with Prayer: Bruce

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:
Sue not finalized year end yet. November$ 9,565.00 in red,

Donations good in December.

Session Report:
To pay Debbie for changing the outside sign.

New Business:
To create a process to report deficiencies to be located in Narthex.

We need a back flow preventer, need to call a plumber.

Alpha Room is cold; we can't afford duct work to be installed.

We suggest a note put on door “Please Keep Door Open”.

Pancake Supper sign up sheet up.

Next Meeting: February 13, 2019

Closed with Prayer: Silent Prayer

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date:May 15, 2019

Present: Bruce, Mark, Norm, Gord, and Avril

Opened with Prayer: Bruce

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report: none

Treasures Report :
We have a deficit of $ 16,395.00 plus $ 4,841.00 carry over from last year.

Duct work two ducts, one thermostat, and timer for the Alpha Room,

$ 250.00. Oostervelt given the go ahead to install.

The fire prevention officer has been in, there may be new instructions

Spring cleaning Saturday June 1, 2019 @9:30am.

New light bulbs in Sanctuary cost $ 106.00 per bulb and two hours of electricians time. There are ten lights for a total $ 1,060.00

Session Report:
Wayne called Bob Baker from Waterloo Manufacturing,

a rebuild of the boiler would be $ 30,000.00 and a new boiler $ 30,000.00 plus another $ 30,000.00 for new chimney.

Gord suggested three gas furnaces plus duct work.

The board has made moves to resolve the issue.

New Business: none

Next Meeting: June 19, 2019 @ 7:00 pm

Closed with Prayer: Silent

Westminster - St. Paul's

Board of Managers

Date: Oct 16, 2019

Present: Kay, Sandra, Sue, Wayne, Gord, and Avril.

Opened with Prayer: Gord

Minutes: Moved & Accepted

Correspondence: none

Committee Report:

Treasures Report:
We are $ 25,000 short, transfer $ 17,600 from Priority Fund

Sue has not submitted Presbyterian Sharing yet.

Waterloo Manufacturing has turned on the boiler and it is working.

Sidewalk in front of office has lifted.

Wayne will grind off in the spring. Kay will spray red on the lifted edge.

Wayne will cut back the tree branches over the sidewalk.

Session Report:

New Business:

Next Meeting: Nov. 20, 2019

Closed with Prayer: Gord