Board of Managers Annual Report
The Board of Managers would like to THANK the Congregation, for their
gifts, support and contributions to the Church during 1990. A special
note of THANKS to those individuals who made it possible for certain
projects to be completed which may NOT have seemed possible without
their stewardship.
These projects were identified for 1990:
1.New kitchen floor.
2. Painting back staircase.
3.Fixing the concrete wall at entrance.
4.More security lighting, including sign,
The good news is that they were all completed.
In addition, the boiler had major repairs.
1.Replace storm windows.
2.Fix damaged plaster and repaint the bedroom next to bathroom.
3.Damp proof basement.
The damaged plaster was fixed due to the generosity of Rev. Wilson.
The room was also repainted. In addition, a storm door was replaced.
Alexander Montgomery took on the duties of janitor. The Church
property looks to be in good hands.
During the year the Board sponsored the Annual Spring Cleanup, the
highly successful GARAGE SALE, and the well attended HARVEST SUPPER.
1.Restain the overhang on the outside.
2.Paint main pillars in the sanctuary.
3.Install exit light over main door. (fire regulations!!).
4.Update lighting at the front of the sanctuary.
S.Update breaker panel in the basement.
6.Resilicone two outside storm windows.
7.Check into roof leaks!! (raining with a strong wind!!).
8.Replace lights on the outside wall
9.More lighting around the parking lot.
10.Improve Handicap access to basement.
11.Upgrade parking lot (paving??).
1.Fix chimney bricks.
2.Replace storm windows.
plus any other projects (or jobs) that may come up from time to time.
It takes about $80,200.02 to operate the church for the year. As in
1990, Capital Projects will have to be financed through the Property
A project and or job list will be posted at the back of the church so
that those who are interested in helping out in any way can, by
contacting a member of the Board. This would be greatly appreciated.
The 199@ Board was made up of the following people: D. Biggins, A.
Brown, D. Currie, M. Forsyth, J. Gibson, E. Green, G. Halls, N.
Harrison, M. Hunter, B. Lovell, R. Luxon, D. Peebles, E. Renfrew, M.
Stubbert, and K. Wilson.
In closing we would add that Congregational Stewardship will again
prove to be the Key to SUCCESS in the 90’s.
Doug Peebles