With constant threats of war hanging over the world many minds go back
to the IInd World War. Now the waging of a war is both a physical,
economic and psychological affair and the psychological element can
sometimes be the one that turns the tide. As such, anything that can
cheer the people up or unite them in the common battle is of great
Two hand signs of the IInd World War come to mind. V for victory
ultimately and thumbs up. Winston Churchill used both as he rallied
the British people in the awful days of the blitz.
Now Christian people are in constant battles and skirmishes with the
world, the flesh and the devil. The V for victory sign comes to mind
as we consider that the scriptures promise us the ultimate victory on
all three fronts - for He who has all ultimate power and glory is on
our side - both in life and death.
I remember the "Thumbs up" sign but can’t attach it to any particular
event, however I believe it could be a sign for progress.
On many war fronts our church could give the thumbs up sign for
progress in personal relationships through the Special Days which for
over the 12 months of 1990 continued a consistent outreach to whoever
would come for food, fun, fellowship and spiritual uplifting.
Thumbs up for the "Coin Fund" that brought us close to $900.00 for the
work of Presbyterian World Service and Development.
Thumbs up for the "White Gift" drive that brought a larger donation
than ever to the needy.
And thumbs up to all of you who made progress in your own lives and in
the war on all fronts.
And thanks be to God who makes every good work possible in Jesus
Your minister,
K. J. Wilson.
Kirk Session Report
Once again there is much for which we must be thankful as we review
the events of the past year.
On behalf of the congregation, we extend our appreciation to all of
those individuals and groups who have contributed so much of their
time and effort in order that we all might receive the benefits.
Early in the year five new members were welcomed to the Session.
Margaret Beale, Doug Peebles, Elwood Green, Donna Currie and Ian
Johnstone became ordained Elders and active members of Session.
In 1998 our congregation accepted a figure of $16,000.00 as our
contribution to Presbyterians Sharing. By the end of the year we had
remitted $16,000.20 -to the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Toronto.
Session commends the congregation for its effort and encourages you to
accept and surpass an allocation of $17,000.00 for 1991
