
The congregational newsletter "Challenge" was again produced as a
quarterly publication during 1990.

While some members did contribute to the newsletter on an individual
basis. there is still very little support from the groups,
organizations and committees within the congregation. Challenge is
your CONGREGATIONAL NEWSLETTER - and as such it requires NEWS from the
Congregation to keep it in print. Please give this some thought and
action in 1991.

My thanks go to those who have faithfully contributed during 1990 -
-to Rev. Wilson, who hasn’t yet missed a deadline,

-to Wanda Thompson for helping with the gathering of information and
writing of articles,
-to Ray Luxon for keeping us up to date with money matters,
-and to Ed Renaud for producing copies of Challenge for the
congregation, sometimes under very rushed circumstances.

Margaret Beale


The Weekenders continue to get together socially as well as spend a
couple of weekends each year at Crieff Hills Community.
During 1990 we:
-had a get-together at Christine and Andrew Mowatt’s in February
-attended a dance sponsored by the Guelph Oaks Soccer Club at the Red

Chevron Club in February
-spent a weekend at ’The House of the Prophet" in March
-went out for dinner at the Red Lobster and then went to Duff’s Church
to see "The Rev’s Dilemma" in May
-went to Flamboro Downe for dinner in June
-had a barbecue/picnic at Joe and Sally Sanders in August
-went on a ‘boat cruise’ in Midland to see the Fall colours in
-spent another weekend in ‘The House of the Prophet" in November
-had supper and a fun evening of games - "Pictionary" and "Whatzit" at
George and Michelle Forsyth’s in December
Some of our plans for 1991 include:

-a Bible Study entitled "Jesus - Then and Now"
-another weekend at Crieff in February (Feb. 8,9,10)
Anyone who is interested in joining the Weekenders and enjoying
fellowship, singing, walks, quiet times etc. can speak to Nancie
Greensmith, Ed & Dee Renaud or Tom and Marg Beale.
: Dee Renaud
On behalf of the Weekenders
