Victoria Circle Annual Report

Victoria Circle has a membership of 14 and an average attendance of
11. Our President for 1990 was Sharlene Mackie. We hold ten meetings
and our offerings are sent to the Women’s Missionary Society. We also
donated to the Fellowship of the Least Coin and the UNICEF "Penny
Beggar can."

This past year we have donated to Meals on Wheels, the Board of
Managers and to Pueblito for our foster child in Costa Rica. Now the
format at Pueblito has been changed and people no longer have an
individual foster child. All money goes into a general fund to care
for all the children equally, and the administration feels this is
fairer. As our "child" will be 19 in April, we would normally be
starting again with a young child, but after this year we are changing
our plans. There is a crying need for teachers and schools of all
kinds in Nicaragua to educate the young people coming out of the army.
They are not equipped to get or hold jobs or to be self-supporting
citizens so a scholarship fund is being established by the
missionaries. We have undertaken to provide a scholarship of $120.00
by each donating one dollar at each meeting - and when one is
accomplished we will go on to another.

In April we provided the entertainment and refreshments for a meeting
of the ’Happy Handicaps’ and four members from our Circle and four
from the Crescent Circle attended the meeting.

We helped with lunch at the W.M.S. Annual Meeting, also with the
Spring Bake Sale, World Day of Prayer, Meals on Wheels, the Harvest
Supper, our Annual Christmas Bazaar, with Christmas gifts to the
shut-ins and nursing home patients and with the flowers in the
sanctuary. Have you noticed the new silk flower arrangements behind
the Communion Table? They were donated by a Circle member.

We raised our money by a Dessert and Card Party held at the church
and two Bring and Buy Sales held at our meetings.

We enjoyed a barbecue before the June meeting and dinner out in

As always we offer our sincere thanks to all who helped us through
the year, and extend a warm invitation to anyone wishing to join our

Margaret Albrecht
Victoria Circle Financial Report
Balance forward $68.01
Receipts Disbursements

Bring and Buy 59.71 Presbytery Ministers’

Dues 7.50 meeting 12.00
Least Coin 2.17 Flowers and Gifts 26.94
Interest (Bank) 2.62 Board of Managers 225. 00
Meals on Wheels 53. 00 P.W.A. Missions 212.25
Collection 212.65 Expenses(card party) 4.00
Birthday Box 15.22 *Pueblito 216. 00
Card Party 329. @@ Least Coin 1.69
Book Sale 6.25 Meals on Wheels S53. @0
Luncheons 139.65 764.32
Nicaragua 79.20 Balance forward 214.70

965.78 965.78

*Support of Costa Rican child
through Pueblito.

x Doris Barber
