Crescent Circle Annual Report

The Crescent Circle meets in members’ homes on the second Wednesday
evening of each month from September to June. There is a membership of
fifteen and the average attendance is eleven. The meetings consist of
a devotional, a business meeting and a program of general interest.
The Circle participates in the Fellowship of the Least Coin.
Offerings from each meeting are forwarded to the Treasurer of
Waterloo-Wellington Presbyterial. There is an optional *Cent-a-Meal’
project which augments our funds, as does our Annual Bring and Buy
Sale. Also we provided refreshments for a fiftieth wedding anniversary

Together with the Victoria Circle we provided lunch and helped
entertain the ‘Happy Handicaps’ at one of their meetings. We also
helped to host the Annual Meeting of the Waterloo-Wellington
Presbyterial. We assisted with the Bake Sale held in conjunction with
the Annual Garage Sale, as well as with the P.W.A. Bazaar and
Luncheon. The Circle was responsible for placing flowers in the
church, alternating with the Victoria Circle.

At two meetings two Circle members described trips they had taken
recently. One month, a trip to the McCrae House, where we saw 4 slide
presentation and were given a tour of the house by the Curator,
preceded our regular meeting

Another month we visited the Humane Society where we had a tour of
the facility and a talk on its functions before going on to our
regular meeting.

At one meeting a guest told us of her life as a child in China, then
her return to her homeland in India and finally settling in Canada and

The Circle contributes monthly to the Nicaragua project of educating
young men demobilized from the army in order to re-integrate them into
the economy.

In June we held an outdoor Potluck Supper at a members’ home and in
December we treat ourselves to dinner out at a local restaurant.

The Circle members took part in the P.W.A. project to make a quilt
for the new lodge at Crieff Hills Community.

We would welcome any ladies in the congregation to join us at any of
our meetings.

Elsie Jackson
Crescent Circle Financial Report
Balance forward 103.68
Income Disbursements

Penny-a-meal cans 70.75 Board of Managers 350. @@
Robson anniversary 400. 00 W.M.S. 166.10
Talent money 23.20 Flowers & gifts 124.02
Bring and Buy Sale 82. 20 Groceries 31.31
Bank interest 21.73 Nicaragua fund 30.00
Nicaragua project 34.00
Free will offering 166.10
Total income 797.58 Total disbursements 701.43

Balance on hand 199.83
901.26 901.26
Helen McGillivary
= Treasurer
