As we enter the 90's and a new decade there are many formidable foes
to face, yet we face them in the strength of Jesus Christ. Wherever He
is allowed to reign, ultimate triumph is assured. So take Him with
you. In January, February,March, April ,May and June - ask yourself why
you should not be as outgoing, as sociable and as generous as you were
in December. If you are, 1990 will be a banner year.
Never before has our church offered so many opportunities for
fellowship and/or learning. There is the Board which is a form of
fellowship and service; the women's Circles which meet every second
Wednesday of each month in the afternoon or evening; the Bible Study
on Tuesday afternoons: and Special Days, featuring dinner and fun once
amonth. There is choir on Thursday nights: Luncheon Sundays on the
first Sunday of every month and there are other special days and
events in the offing--- and we'd be glad to form one to meet your
needs if you make them known to us.
Face the future in God's promise that as we go into all the world, God
is with us.
; Kenneth Wilson,
Kirk Session Report
Once again there is much for which we must be thankful as we review
the events of the past year.
On behalf of the congregation, we extend our appreciation to all of
those individuals and groups who have contributed so much of their
time and effort in order that we all might receive the benefits.
In the course of time it is inevitable that the numbers of active
Session members is diminished. An election was held during the year.
As a result a number of new members are to be ordained and will become
members of the Session.
In 1989 our congregation accepted a figure of $16,000.00 as our
contribution to the General Assembly Budget. By the end of the year we
had remitted $16,000.00 to the Presbyterian Church in Canada.Toronto.
Session commends the congregation for its effort and encourages you to
accept and surpass an allocation of $16,000.00 for 1990. The
Presbytery suggestion is approximately $15,895.00.
We welcomed into the fellowship of our congregation the following in
By action of Session: Mrs. Margaret Beale 1
By profession of faith: Miss Jacqueline Brown
Miss Becky Brown
Miss Amy Brown
Mr. Scott Luxon
Mrs. Sylvia Biggings
Mr. Dean Biggings
Miss Lisa Bharath
Mr. Roger Bharath