We are all aware that both religion and the church are gradually
changing throughout the world. I would ask all persons within our
congregation to include the children and their teachers in their prayers
in the year ahead.
The children of the church have been enjoying and benefitting from
the new curriculum which is being used in their Sunday School program.
It has been increasingly difficult to maintain sufficient numbers of
teachers to provide the program. Numerous appeals have been made through-
out the year to fill gaps as they occur, Presently we are still short three
teachers and have dedicated people who could use a much deserved break.
Our annual congregational picnic was enjoyed by all who attended. We
extend a special thanks to everyone who helped to make it possible. Due
to the shortage of teachers, they no longer wish to be responsible for the
organization of this event. It was voted on last spring to make this known
at this annual meeting.
Money was generously donated to purchase the video "Jesus" and two
cassette recorders to enhance the various Christian Education programs
within the congregation. We extend a sincere thanks to the individuals
A very meaningful and delightful pageant was presented by the children
at Christmas. Thanks to the caring and dedication of a group which formed
a pageant committee which took the burden or load off of the shoulders of
the Sunday School teachers. Whether you worked directly with the children
or busily behind the scenes making it all possible, we thank all who
helped in any way.
Training and assistance is available to any person(s) wishing to
contribute to these programs. Perhaps you would consider offering your
help even as a relief teacher for one month of the year, or to fill in
during illness of a teacher. The rewards are numerous, We urge you all
to pray on this very important area within our congregation. Our children
are the future of our church. If you feel a calling to help please contact
Velma Smith our Sunday School Superintendent .
As we begin this new decade, your Christian Education Committee strongly
suggests all who attend Westminster-St. Paul's to select an area of work
within the church in which to get involved. Through giving back to the
church in some small way, your committment to grow as a Christian will be
Respectfully Submitted
Susan Luxon
Christian Education Committee