. 21
We would encourage all members and adherents of Westminster-St. Paul's
Church to make themselves available to study the Word of God as
opportunities to do so are provided. Our group continues to meet each
Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:15.... why not give it a try?
Income Expenses Balance
Spring Fling 67.00 Donations 67.00
Mayfest 89.50 60.00 96.50
September Special 55.00 32.00 119.50
October Festival 47.75 41.00 126.25
Christmas is Coming No charge 95.00 31.25
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Beale
1989 marked the first full year of publication for our congregational
newsletter - Westminster-St. Paul's "Challenge."
Started as a quarterly newsletter during our 30th anniversary year
1988, the newsletter was published four times in 1989 to coincide with
the Elders' pre-communion visits to the congregation. This procedure
provides an effective means of getting the newsletter out to the whole
congregation without the added expense of mailing costs.
Costs for production of the four issues for 1989 was approximately
$140.00 which is included in the stationery and office supplies item
on the financial statement.
I would like to thank those who provided information for inclusion
during the past year, and would encourage others to use the newsletter
to keep the congregation informed. This is your newsletter and can
only be an effective means of communication within the congregation if
it.. is used as such by our various groups, committees and
Thanks also to Wanda Thompson for assistance in gathering information
and writing articles for each issue, and to Ed Renaud for production
of the newsletter from one edited and pasted up copy to the final
product as received by all members and adherents of the congregation.
Margaret Beale