
Explorers is a co-ed group for children in Grades 4-6/C.0.C.-Grades
1-3. This year we combined the C.0.C. with the older children and have
14 in our group. We meet on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
In January we did a study on Peru provided by C.B.S. As well as
donating money for Bibles for Peru we sent a donation to the Toronto
Sick Children's Hospital for Henry Orbe from Peru, who was flown to
Canada for an emergency operation for osteomyelitis.
-made and sent valentines to seniors in our church
-had a Snow Day at Crieff
-did an Easter Study
—presented cheques to C.B.S.,World Day of Prayer and Toronto Sick
Children's Hospital at a church service
-had a sleepover at the church
~attended the P.W.A. banquet
-had a weiner and corn roast at Sally's house with a treasure and
scavenger hunt
-did a study on how violence on T.V. affects children
-had the initiation of new Explorers
—had a Hallowe'en party
-made Christmas crafts :
-sent Christmas letters and cards to seniors in the church
-did a Christmas story(video and Bible reading)
-had a pizza party
We welcome any boy or girl between the ages of 6-11 to come out on
Wednesdays after school for a night of games,songs,crafts,explorations
and fun & fellowship. :
In January we will begin a session on Papua,New Guinea, again supplied
by the Canadian Bible Society.


Margaret Beale

Sally Sanders


The mid week afternoon Bible Study Group continued to meet ona
regular basis throughout 1989. The first two months of the year were
taken in completing a study of “Understanding and Using Spiritual
Gifts," which had been started the previous fall. A short study on
prayer was then completed before the group broke for the summer.
The fall season commenced with a study of the 23rd Psalm, and this was
followed with an Advent Bible Study. Both of these studies gave the
well read scriptures a depth of new meaning. The group is appreciative
of the efforts of Donna Wilson in providing competent leadership for
the study sessions. In an attempt to use some of the newly realized
gifts, various projects were started. As an extension to the Cradle
Roll Program, birthday cards are now sent out to all children of the
Church School. Monthly Special Days were introduced commencing in
April. A hot meal is provided at noon and an afternoon of fellowship
is available for all those who are able to attend in the daytime.
These days continue to be offered on a monthly basis and all are
invited to attend either as participants or helpers.
