Crescent Circle Annual Report

The Crescent Circle has 15 members with an average attendance of 11.

Our Mission Study was on South Africa. We had two speakers - one from
South Africa and one from Guelph International Resource Centre.

Our members took part in our P.W.A. special Women's
service,celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the W.M.S.(W.D.) held May
7th at our church with Helen Sinclair as guest speaker. Betty Larter's
banner on the conference theme "Go and Tell" was displayed. Some
members attended the W.M.S. closing banquet at Aberfoyle on Oct. Sth.

Donna Wilson,our P.W.A. delegate at the W.M.S. conference spoke at
one of our meetings about her experiences. There was also another
meeting about 10 Days for World Development.

We raised funds by:
-coffee parties
-catering a 50th Wedding Anniversary
-cent-a-meal cans
Helped with:
-Harvest Home supper
-Garage and Bake Sale
—-Christmas gifts to shut-ins & nursing home patients
-flowers in the sanctuary
-collected used stamps for cancer research
~-Meals on Wheels
Made financial donations to:
-Least Coin Fellowship
-Board of Managers
-Drop-In Centre
-Guelph International Resource Centre
-Presbyterian World Service
-Save the Rain Forests
We would welcome new members to join us at our monthly meetings.
Marnie Milne
Crescent Circle Financial Report
Balance forward 172.45
Receipts Disbursements
Coffee parties 265.15 Board of Managers 500.00
Penny-a-Meal cans 121.25 Kitchen expenses 40.00
Crafts 4.50 Books and gifts 15.45
Catering 250.00 Stamps 5.50
Bring and Buy Sale 81.60 1 acre of rain forest
in Mexico 25.00
Bank interest 24.68 Guelph Int. Res. Centre 55.00
Free will offering 166.26 Women's Missionary Soc. 75.00
Fellowship of the Pres. World Service 50.00
Least Coin 3.54
Drop-In Centre 50.00
Inter-Church Council -
Least Coin 3.54
Missions 166.26
916.98 985.75
Balance on hand 103.68
