P.W.A. Annual Report
The Presbyterian Women's Association have completed another year and
have held three general meetings. The May and November meetings were
preceeded by a potluck supper. The C.G.I.T. girls and their mothers
and children of the congregation were our guests at the May potluck
Our income was divided from Circle money-making projects,a bake
sale,saving grocery tapes and our annual Bazaar. It was used to
purchase kitchen supplies and equipment as required, to assist the
Vacation Bible School,the Church School, the Congregational Picnic,
the C.G.I.T. and the Board of Managers.
The Circles take turns putting flowers, in the church sanctuary. We
remember shut-ins at Christmas and help with Meals on Wheels. Our
representatives help to plan and take part in the World Day of Prayer
services and attend Inter-Church Council meetings.
The P.W.A. constitution states that "There shall be an association in
which are united all the women of the congregation. The aim and
Purpose shall be to bring together in fellowship, study,service and
worship all the women of the congregation that they may share in the
total work of the church. Within the association there shall be,if
necessary,smaller groups." These groups are the Circles but they do
not unite to form the P.W.A. The P.W.A. is the basic group.
The attendance at our meetings is very low, an average of 8 members
per meeting. In spite of our efforts to obtain new members we have had
avery limited response. We were unable to obtain a President or Vice
President this year. We probably would not have been able to carry on
except for the president of one of the Circles, Mrs. Velma Smith, who
volunteered to act as President until one could be obtained. As the
position was never filled she carried both the P.W.A. and the Circle
President positions for the year, together with the work and
responsibility of each position. We wish to sincerely thank her and
all who helped and supported us throughout the year.
Wilma McKeand
