: 4
The Board of Managers held ten meetings in 1968, to deal with the |
physical properties and financial matters of the church and manse.
= The 1987 executive consisted of:
Chairman Jim Briggs
Vice-Chairman Doug Peebles
Secretary Elaine Mignacca
Assistant Secretary Avril Brown f

The Board is further divided into sub-committees: C.J. Kleppe as
Chairperson of the Finance Committee; Allan Robertson, Chairman of the
Property Committee; Doug Nodwell, Chairman of the Manse Committee. Avril
Brown organized the ushering schedule.

Other active members of the Board were: Ken Eccles, Michelle Forsyth,
Elwood Green, Norm Harrison, Mark Hunter, Elgin Jury, Bob Lovell, and
Elizabeth Renfrew. Treasurer Ray Luxon and Session representative Grant
Halls also attended the monthly meetings.

The addition of new members enabled Donna Halls, Sheila Grisch, Ian
Johnstone and Doug Linton to resign. We thank them for their devoted time
and efforts.


A Y.C.R., monitor and standC(constructed) were Purchased for the
Christian Education Committee, at their request.

An agreement was signed with Grant Halls, our envelope secretary. Mr.
Halls purchased a software package to maintain church members’ records.

_This software will eliminate the former book-keeping method, which cost
$60.00 per year. Under the agreement Mr. Halls will receive $80.00 per
year until the program is paid 1989.

Paint was donated by some members of the Board in 1988 for the church
basement . This work was carried out by some members of the Board snd
volunteers from the congregation. In conjunction with this a new
baseboard was donated and installed.

Dr. R. Linton donated a Glass top for Reverend Wilson’s desk in the
study. A carpet for the study was also donated by Nr. Don Hunter.

The contract with Lilliput Land Nursery School wes terminated by
mutual agreement in September. This gives the church more storage space
and leaves the hall available for Bible study groups, socials for seniors
and other church functions.

A rear wall in the basement was moved out to facilitate storage space
and another meeting room. This work is approximately ninety-five per cent
completed, with some Painting and electrical work unfinished. Thanks are
in order to the volunteers.


Mr. Brian Halls resigned as caretaker in September, 1988. Since that
‘ime the jJanitor’s duties have been carried out by Mr. Mark Renaud, who

--$ paid on an hourly basis, under the supervision of Mr. Doug Peebles.

Once again several minor repairs were necesary during the year at the
manse. The Board has asked for prices to replace the existing storm
windows and one door. Some extensive Plumbing changes are planned for
