We note also those whose names were removed:
By action of Session:
Mr. James Bain
si Mrs. Heather Bain
Mrs. Judy Rogers 3
By Transfer of certificate:
Mrs. Joanne Croft
Mr. Albert Scott
Mrs. Albert Scott
Miss Shirley Scott
Mr. Murray Robinson
Mrs. Margaret Young 6
By death:
Mr. Jack McGillivary
Mr. Mel Sutherland
Mrs. Dorothy Van Norman
Mr. David Weir
Mrs. Janet McGill
Mr. John Blackburn 6 15
Membership as of December 31,1987 353
Added 7
Removed 1s
Membership as of December 31,1988 351
Adherents 43
Households represented :
Cnot including adherents
and out of town members)
It is with deep regret that we record the death of our esteemed
members Mr. Jack McGillivary, Mr. Mel Sutherland, Mrs. Dorothy Van
Norman, Mr. David Weir, Mrs. Janet McGill and Mr. John Blackburn. wWe
extend our sympathy to their families and look. forward to the day of
Robert J. Renton
Clerk of Session
