We thank the P.W.A. for contributing to our group and to all involved in
our Christmas dinner for the children and their parents.
1888 was a busy and happy year for Explorers. We invite any boy or girl
in Grades 4,5 or 6 to come and Join us on Wednesday evenings from
Margaret Beale
Sally Sanders.
C.0.C.CChildren of the Church) for boys and girls ages 6-8 meets on
Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the lower hall. This year there
ere 12 children in the group.
Our weekly meetings include:
-worship time Ff
“snack, and
This year, we:

-went,with the Explorers and C.G.1.T. groups, to Crieff for a “Snow
Day” ;

-did Bible studies on "The Boy who Shared His Lunch”; “A Shepherd
Looks for his Lost Sheep”; “The Fisherman’s Surprise”; and “Jesus Heals a
Paralyzed Man”.

~went to the Christian Reformed Church to see @ presentation of the
musical "Down by the Creek Bank”

had a Valentines party

-did Bible studies about "Jonah", and "Daniel in the Lion’s Den”,

“read "The Story of Easter For Children.”

“made "pom pom chicks” for Easter

had an Easter Party with an Easter egg hunt

~had a get-acquainted Party in September to begin the new season

~had a Hallowe’en party

had a Christmas party

“enjoyed the Christmas dinner Presented for Sunday School and youth
group children and their families
We thank the P.W.A. for their gift of $25.00 and also all those who
helped with the Christmas dinner.

The C.0.C. children have been helping with our "FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEONS” by
helping to set the tables, serving sandwiches and helping to clean up
afterwards. This is our contribution to our 30th Anniversary year.
Leaders, %
Dee Renaud(Jan.-May)
Nancie Greensmith
Susan McLean
Donna Vanderburgh
