Approximately 15 members of the C.G.1I.T. have had an interesting and
varied year with Gladys Robson and Donna Wilson as leaders. Some of their
~ activities were:
Bible Studies on "Seek Ye First,” "Zaccheus", a 3 week study “Under the
Leadership of Jesus"; a study on "Sexuality and the Bible”, and one on
“what the Bible says about Homosexuality.”
-a Mission Study on Nigeria from the Bible Society, Following which the
girls donated $100 for Bibles for Nigeria
~an evening on drug abuse with an OPP officer
“sponsored a Soup and Sandwich Luncheon in April
-Joanne Citrigno from GIRC spoke on World Development
~made Easter eggs with scripture verses for the S.S, children and led an
"Easter egg hunt” on Easter Sunday
learned the craft of "Cross Stitch” and spent several weeks preparing
Crafts for the Fall Bazaar
-had an "Ann Landers Night” with a nurse, a teacher, a mother, and a
university student to answer questions
~joined with the Explorers for a weekend at Crieff, with the theme of the
Bible Studies, worship and discussions being “love”
“—presented the Vesper Service Once again in December
For fun, the girls had several games nights; a skating party; a hike to
Crieff with a cookout following; attended the Mother and Daughter Banquet
and met their "Mystery Mothers”; had a day at Bingeman Park in June; had
@ "sleepover” at the church in November and a Christmas Party at the
Manse. It was a busy year.
Once again we express our thanks to the P.wW.A. and the congregation for
their support. With God's help, we’ hope both Girls and leaders will
continue to live "under the leadership of Jesus.”
Respectfully submitted,
Gladys Robson and Donna Wilson
Explorers ia a co-ed group for children in Grades %*,5 8&6. In January,
following a bible study on Joseph, we took part in a church musical along
with the other children in Sunday School. We did a study on Nigeria
Provided by the Canadian Bible Society. During a sleepover at Crieff with
the C.G.1I.T., we did some Crafts and a wrap up of our mission study.
Again we did the World Day of Prayer Service and for Lent we saved our
coins for world hunger. Two Explorers presented cheques for $25.00 each
to Presbyterian World Development and the Canadian Bible Society.
We enjoyed a presentation by Christian Reformed Church School called
“Down by the Creek Bank,” a musical they were familiar with.
We offered refreshments and entertainment to those members of the
Congregation who contributed to our Spring flower Planting.
Eight Explorers graduated at the Nay banquet, three Teceiving their "E”
We finished for the summer with a barbecue and swim party. ;
In September, we had our get-acquainted party to welcome new Explorers
who enjoyed a treasure hunt. At our initiation stars were given to those
who took part in the Exploration.
As well as Christmas crafts, the Explorers made Christmas cards and
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