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The Presbyterian Women’s Association has completed another year and
has held one executive meeting and three General meetings. Potluck
Suppers preceded the May and November meetings. The C.G.I.T. girls and

~ mothers were our Quests at the May potluck.

Our income is derived from the Circles money-making projects, bake
sales, saving of Grocery tapes, donations and Our Annual bazaar. All our
offerings go to the Presbyterial to further Mission work of the church.

Our income is used to purchase kitchen supplies and working 6quipment
as required, to assist the Church School and the Board of Managers,

The Circles take turns providing Flowers for the = church sanctuary.
They. remember shut-ins at Christmas, provide help at the Nursing Home Tea
and delivering Meals on Wheels. Representatives take part in the World
Day of Prayer and the Inter-Church Council.

The P.wW.A. Constitution states that "There shall be @n association in
which are united @1l the women of the, congregation. The aim and Purpose
shall be to bring together in fellowship, study, service and worship all
the women of the Congregation that they may share in the total work of
the church. Within the association there shall be, if necessary, smaller

These smaller groups are the Circles. The basic Group is the P.W.A.
The attendance at Our meetings is still very low and consists mostly of
the executive. It is most difficult to obtain members willing to serve on
the executive or indeed to become members. Unless this lack is corrected,
it is feared that the P.W.A. will not survive,

Wilma McKeand
Zehr's Tapes 271.72 Kitchen supplies 73.45
Missions - Victoria 118.95 Gifts & entertainment 48.52
- Crescent 128.35 Church School 200.00
- Goodwill 40.00 Vacation Bible School 100.00
Offerings 64.75 Board of Managers 1,775.00 yea.
Bank Interest 6.94 Women's Miss. Society 392.05 awe}
Bake Sale (June) 290.00 Nursing Home Janitor 3.00 —“ "we
Crescent Circle 275.00 Service charge 1.75
Bazaar 1,711.57 Inter-church Council 6.00
Cradle Roll 15.86
Cards & postage 75.00
Explorers 25.00
c. 0. Cc. 25.00.
Pres. World Service 100.00
Flowers 59.49
$2,907.28 $2,900.12
less expenses 2,900.12
561.09 :
