By action of Session:
Mr. W. Abbott Mrs. J. Hebden
Mrs. W. Abbott Mrs. W. Hinds
~ Mrs. H. Ackerman
Mrs. P. Adams Mrs. L. Hirtle
Mr. A. Allan Mr. R. Holton
Mrs. A. Allan Mrs. R. Holton
Mr. T. Ball Mrs. A. Howie
Mrs. T. Ball Mrs. E. Kerr
Mr. D. Bates Mrs. J. Laurie
Mrs. D. Bates Mrs. A. Mayne
Mrs. H. Bolton Mrs. M. McLean
Miss J. Brown Mr. D. Mikel
Mr. R.C. Clark Mrs. D. Mikel
Mrs. R.C. Clark Mrs. E. Ferguson
Mr. G. Coles Mr. I. Millar
Mrs. G. Coles Mrs. I. Millar
Mr. K. Cooper Mr. W. Mitchell
Mr. R. Crawford Mrs. Oosterveld
Mrs. R. Crawford Mr. J. Philips
Mrs. J. Darling Mrs. B. Pritlove
Mr. W. Donald Miss S. Ritchie
Mrs. W. Donald Mrs. Y. Robertson
Mr. T. Dugas Mrs. K. Robertson
Mrs. T. Dugas Mr. S. Ross
Mrs. M. Effer Mrs. S. Ross
Mr. E. Forsyth Mr. J. Scott
Mrs. D. George Mrs. J. Scott
Mr. A. Gracey Mrs. I. Smart
~ Mr. J. Graham Mrs. H. Stewart
Mrs. J. Graham Mr. D. Taylor
Mr. T. Guthrie Mrs. D. Taylor
Mrs. T. Guthrie Mr. W. Weir
Mr. C. Hardy Mr. K. Wenzel
Mrs. C. Hardy Mrs. K. Wenzel
Miss C. Hardy Mrs. M. Winfield
Mrs. S. Hassert Mrs. S. Ziegler
Mr. J. Hebden Mr. J. Ziegler
Mrs. J. Ziegler
Membership as of December 31,1985 4s2
Added 3
Removed 30
Membership as of December 31,1986 365
Adherents 43
Households represented
Cincluding adherents,not including
out of town members) 230
“ It is with deep regret that we record the death of our esteemed
members Mrs. Philips, Mr. Ken Guthrie, Mr. Tom Cunningham and Mr. John
Gillespie. We extend our sympathy to their families and look forward to
the day of resurrection.
Robert J. Renton
