. 19
C.0.C.¢CChildren of the Church) is for boys and girls ages 5-8. We meet in
the church hall on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This year we have 9
~ children in our group.
Our weekly meetings include:
-worship time
-games, and
This year, we:
-went,with the Explorers and C.G.1.T. groups, to Crieff for a ”*Snow
-did a Bible study on ”*People of the Old Testament”
-had a Valentines party
-made a booklet "Signs of Spring”
~-participated in the C.G.1I.T. ”"Fun Night”
-sang a song "Being Me”
-did a unit on ”Friends”
-did a Bible study "The Lost Sheep”
-had an "Initiation and Dinner Party” with parents as guests
-had a Hallowe’en party
-did a Bible study ”The Miraculous Catch of Fish”
-painted a "Christmas mural” which was on display in the lower hall
Our expenses are paid for by the Christian Education Budget(craft
supplies:construction paper, glue, crayons, magic markers, paint; books,
records, games etc.) Our offering money helps to defray the cost of such
things as bristol board, stickers, etc. As of December 31, 1986 we have a
balance of $5.85.
Dee Renaud
C.0.C. leader
Once again our choir has enjoyed a truly great year of singing and
Fellowship. The high point of the year was Christmas, with Christmas
Sunday service and Christmas Eve service giving the choir a real
opportunity to show the results of their work.
I would like to say “thank you” to the choir for their extra work,
and I am sure I speak for all our church members in expressing our
appreciation to these dedicated singers for their efforts at Christmas.
And now Easter lies ahead. We are still in need of some help,
~ especially in the tenor section. We look forward to the beautiful music
of Lent and Easter with anticipation.
Norman E. Brydges
Organist & Choir Director