6 .
Now, in late 1986 and Sarly 1987, the thermostats and other controls
are being adjusted, balanced and up-dated by an experienced mechanical
contractor. The purpose is to allow the church sanctuary to be kept ata
separate, much lower, temperature when it is not in use. Meanwhile, the
basement is used nearly every day and evening and will be heated
In combination with oil prices, which are one-third less than in the
Winter of 1985-86, and the overhead fans installed several yars ago, the
high-efficiency burner and the "zoning” of the heat distribution system
are expected to give us a substantially reduced Fuel bill this Winter.
Caretaker: You will recollect that George Locker retired from his
Part-time job’as the Church’s Caretaker at the end of 1985. After two
months of less-than-complete care for the church building on a volunteer
basis, and one visit From professional Cleaners, Brian Halls, also of our
congregation, took over the job in March on the basis of a one year
Irene Locker had, for years, kept tabs on the scheduled uses of the
basement space and the sanctuary. When her husband retired, Irene
relinquished the scheduling task to Donna Halls. Donna should be
contacted whenever you wish to make use of the building. This allows for
proper scheduling of the caretaker’s duties and avoids unexpected
Grounds:Again this year there was very little response to the call
for volunteers to work together on cleaning up the Property in the
Spring. Our thanks to those few members of the Board who did turn up to
do their part. In the Spring of 1987, the work will be more necessary
than ever since there was no organized Autumn work session.
Please respond in 1987. It can be very enjoyable and satisfying. It
is well known that many hands can make short work of a large job.
Continual upgrading of the manse and its equipment has continued
throughout the year. Most noticeable are a new kitchen floor, a new
refrigerator and replacement of some Plumbing Fixtures.
Dee Renaud, the Church’s secretary, has moved us into the electronic
age in a modest way. The Renauds’ computer and word-processing program
have been supplemented by the Church’s own newly-purchased Printer to
give us word-processing Capabilities. The most obvious Product has been
the new format of the weekly calendars. The system much reduces the time
which Mrs. Renaud has to expend on this weekly task.
Treasurer Bill Montgomery has brought us through another year of
balancing the somewhat uncertain income from the offering plates against
the increasing salaries and general costs and the prudent capital costs
such as electrical and heating update, manse maintainence and interest on
the roof loans. You will remember that the Board’s Finance Committee
distributed a note in November Suggesting a special Christmas gift to get _
us out of 1986 in the black. You will see from the Treasurer’s Report
which follows this report that we came very close - a deficit of $385.00.
The improvement since Movember 31st can be attributed to your generous
giving in December-and to the Fact that the mechanical contractor has not
yet completed the heating modifications.