Session Report .... -2-
Agein, the Annual Plant Sale was a successful venture under the
able guidance of Dr. Bob Stinson, The proceeds were forwarded to
the Board of Managers to be used in the work of our Church. A start
has been made on the landscaping at the front of the church with the
planting of a number of new shrubs and, if all goes well, a very
colourful display of tulips should appear in the spring.
During the past few months, a committee of Session and Board
members has been at work, under the direction of Dr. Stinson,
thoroughly studying the possible projects which might be carried out
by our congregation. They are prepared to make recommendations to
the congregation and to support these recommendations with cost
figures and solid reasoning.
4s a result of an election carried on early in the year, a
number of new elders have been added to the Session. They are Mrs.
Marnie Milne, Mr. Jim Guthrie, Mr. Alvin Hayes, Mr. George ‘Locker,
Mr. Gordon Smith and Dr. Robert Linton. We note that Mr. Douglas
Taylor, at his request, has been given the status of *inactive elder?
for one year.
We welcome into the fellowship of Westminster-St. Paul's the
following who joined in 1978:
By action of the Session: Mrs. Marcia Hebert
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Van Huisstede
By profession of faith: Mr. Douglas Linton
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown
By transfer of certificate: Mr. and Mrs, Alan Smeaton
Mrs. Isabel Anderson
. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harper
Mr. Albert Hoogkamp = Me
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Dam
Mr, Gerald Hyde
We also note those whose names were removed from the Roll in 1978:
By action of Session: None
By transfer of certificate: ’ Mrs. Marion Dobberthien
Mr, and Mrs. W. Tegart
Mr. John Knox
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Storey
Miss Rhonda Courtenay
By death: Mrs. Kay Betts
Mrs. Doris Wright