Board Report .... -4-

The Property Committee is pleased to report that the fascia
repair work is complete and wish to thank the congregation for their
donations to this fund. -

The Board accepted the resignation of Wm. Montgomery, Treasurer,
with regret. His term of office terminated Dec. 3151978. Fitz
Bharath has offered to fill this vacancy. We are also pleased that
Ken Cooper will be our Envelope Secretary. Mr. Martin Van Dam is the
Auditor for 1978-1979.

The Church is rented by the Lilliput Land Nursery School for
five mornings and three afternoons per week from September until May.
The Counterweight group rent and use the Church hall on Wednesday
evenings. The turkey supper was a success. The donations of food
from the ladies was fantastic.

We would be remiss if we did not thank the P.W.A4. for financial
help this past year and over the years to this Church. They have
given until it quits hurting. We are looking forward to the burning
of the mortgage on May 6, 1979. Wm. Montgomery reported at one of
our meetings that this congregation is to be congratulated - by May
of this year (1979), you will have paid off a quarter of a million
dollars of debt (strictly debt).

We would like to thank the Brownies for donating and planting a
shrub in front of the Church. We are grateful to Mollie Mitchell
for copying the calendar each week and to George Locker for his care-
taking duties. We are pleased to have Rev. Wilson attend our meetings
and we appreciate his leadership and guidance. We wish Rev. and Mrs.
Wilson to know that we are most grateful for the generous hospitality
most graciously given in their home.

The members of the Board in 1978 were as follows: Ed Renaud,
Joe Van Huisstede, Wm. Montgomery, Lorraine McGillivray, Irene Locker,
Dorothy Morgan, John Bolster, Jerry Hazlitt, Alvin Hayes, Martin
Van Dam, Bill Gowan, Fitz Bharath, Doug Taylor, Ron Nodwell and Gordon
Smith. John Gillespie and Howard Mitchell were Session Representatives.
We have some new members coming on the Board for 1979. They await in
the wings for your approval.

Your Board of Managers feels that 1978 was a successful year. We
have been abundantly blessed. We pray that we will be in God's care
and keeping in this new year, and that your fondest wishes will come
true in 1979.

Fd Renaud, Chairman
: Lorraine McGillivray,
