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The Presbyterian Women's Association, with an approximate
membership of 55 in three Circles, held six general-meetings in
1978, the May and November meetings being preceded by pot luck
suppers. In November we had as our guests the members of the
newly-formed C.G.I.T. with their mothers and their leader,
Donna Wilson. ‘ Es
Our activities within the Church included hosting the Pres-
byterial of the.W.M.S. annual meeting in March; providing lunch
after both services on Anniversary Sunday and after Mr. Wilsonts
installation in June as Moderator of Presbytery. We convened the
Bake Sale in May, assisted with the fowl supper and the 98th
birthday party for Rev. Williamson, a former minister of St.
Paults. In November we held our annual bazaar, our most success-
ful to date. As is done each year, Bibles were presented to those
graduating from Church School, and money was donated to the Church
School Christms Party. : :
Further afield, we convened the Elliott birthday party in
February, participated in the World Day of Prayer, the Charity
Bazaar at Willow West Mall in April, Meals on Wheels, and monthly
visiting et Hyde Park Nursing Home. We contributed six Christms
gifts to mental health patients, and money to Hyde Park at
Christmas, we well as money to Inter-Church Council for its 60th
anniversary project.
We acquired a new stove for the Church kitchen through saving
Dominion Store tapes and are building up a fund to purchase a re-
frigerator with Zehrs' tapes.
Our offerings go to missions. The money we raise goes to :
support our own Church work, and into the community. We are grate-
ful to those who contributed to our "Outreach Month't in November,
and who helped in any way with our various projects throughout the
We extend.a warm invitation to the ladies of the congregation
to join our Circles and our P.W.A. fellowship.
. Margaret Albrecht
i Secretary
The Cradle Roll membership for 1978 was 19 babies. There
have been 9 babies baptized in 1978.
The Presbyterian Women's Association presents Cradle Roll
certificates to each new member at baptism. On each child's birth-
day, a card is sent until they reach three years of age.
Wilma Kobylnik