Choir report .... -- : :

1. Music storage should be upgraded and enlarged.

2. New gowns for the ladies (if they wish to wear gowns). The
gowns we don't wear now were given to us twenty years ago
after having served the Knox choirs for a nunber of years,
and are much too old, hot and out-dated.

3. The choir loft needs some sort of ventilation system. Many
times during the warm weather the temperature rises to the
high 90*s and becomes almost unbearable.

4. The organ must have some attention. It is now twenty years
old and has served well without very much done to it. If
let go, it will no doubt create some serious problems, per-
haps even to the point of replacement.

Once again, may I say "Thank you, choir" for your many hours of
faithful service. It has been a satisfying year and we look forward
with anticipation to the future.

: Norman E. Brydges
, Organist

The Canadian Girls in Training group was organized in September
under the leadership of Mrs. Sally Sanders and Mrs. Donna Wilson. At
‘present there are cight faithful members of the group, which meets
each Thursday from 7:00-8:30 P.M. The officers are:

President - Kelly Durant
Vice-President - Annette Sanders
auld Secretary - Maria Hunter
> Treasurer - Valerie Nodwell
Worship Convenor - - Neather Gaskey *
Games Convenor - Nancie Greensmith’ :

The group hes carried out several successful projects during its

first term:

--Entertained the Fergus C.G.I.T. group at a Hallowe*’En Party;

- Decorated 2 Christmas tree for the church; 2

- Made approximately 250 prayer favours for the Christian Women's Club;
+ Made advent banners for the church and presented the Advent services
’ for the five Sundays before Christms.

The C.G.I.T. thanks the Session and friends for their financial
help; the ladies who supplied middies to some of the members; the P.W.A.
for the dinner and interesting evening they provided for us; our mothers
for their support, and the congregation for their interest.

We look forward to further opportunities to serve God and to
"become the girls God would have us be".

Respectfully submitted,
Maria Hunter
