Session Report .... -3- nee
Membership at December 31st, 1977........ + ainher bees. BOS
. Added - by profession of faith 3
- by action of Session 3
- by transfer of certificate _9
Removed - by action of Session 0
- by transfer of certificate 7 z
- by death 2
Membership at December 31st, 1978... .....00000-. 169
(includes ‘out of townt and inactive members ) 2 :
WOOIRBTO RAEN Berne Ne asl tesiotee Gide Gey e+ cm tecdes gis eee Ga
Number of households represented (including adherents but not
tout ‘of town’ menbere) See OTE Te ot cine sine ae Rea SOE ee EE
In 1978 there were 7 weddings and 10 baptisms.
It is with great regret that we record the deaths of our
esteemed members, Mrs. Kay Betts and Mrs. Doris Wright. We extend
our sympathy to the families and look forward to the day of
Robert Renton
Clerk of Session
The Board of Managers of Westminster-St. Paul's, under the chair-
i manship of Ed Renaud, held ten meetings during 1978, plus one special
one with the congregation to consider installing a test window to save
heat and stop some of the vandalism. The members of the Church gave
their approval to this project. Bill Gowan, Chairman of the Property
Committee, has had the window installed. Further consideration of the
effectiveness of this window will take place later this year.
The Session and Board, in co-operation by committee, have listed
some priorities needed to improwe our church facilities and property.
We are sorry to report that some repairs to the Manse and the Church
have not been carried out, minly because of securing volunteer help,
on which we so much depend. Our main concern was duct work on the
present heating system to conserve heat and also fans for the sanc-
The Ushering Committee has had problems in getting help for each
Sunday. We hope our members will heed this call and assist with this
necessary service. Joe Van Huisstede, Chairman of the Ushering Commi-
ttee, wishes to thank those that ushered during 1978.