
St. Paul, writing to the Corinthian Church, says, "It is required
of a steward that he be found faithful".

It, is a good word for us in Westminster-St. Paul's in 1979. We
are all called to be faithful to our Lord in the task of being the
church and running the church.

A church grows by each part being faithful’- the Church School,
the choir, the Session, the Board of Management, the ladies’ groups.
As they all do their part faithfully, an atmosphere is set up in which
men and women, girls and boys hear the gospel and do the will of God.

Again on writing to the Romans, St. Paul said, "Love one another
warmly as brothers and sisters in Christ and be eager to show respect
for one another". That is also a good wish for 1979 to meet more

* people in the congregation and take time to get to know them. A few
moments over refreshments following the service could pay real
_ @ividends in fellowship. K

My thanks in this regard to those who have given of themselves
to enlarge fellowship and to grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ
and His will for them. My thanks also to all those of you who have
faithfully supported the Church and me in my ministry.

I have endeavoured to be faithful in 1978 in meeting your needs.
T shall try to be as faithful in 1979. 3

K. J. Wilson

Once again there is much for which to'be thankful as we review
the events of the past year. ‘

On behalf of the congregation, we extend our appreciation to all
who have done do much for our church during the year: the organist;
the choir; the Church School staff; the ladiest groups; the Board of
Managers; Mrs. M. Mitchell, our typist; Mr. and Mrs. George Locker,
our caretakers; and all others who serve in their own way and remain
nameless. We extend also a special thanks to all who have given of
their worldly goods and moral support to the efforts of the church.

In 1978 our congregation accepted a figure of $3,000.00 as our
contribution to the General Assembly Budget, through the *red sidet
of the weekly offering envelopes. By the end of the year, we had
remitted $3,388.35 to the Treasurer of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada, in Toronto. We commend you for your effort and encourage
you to accept and surpass the suggested allocation of $3,500.00 in
