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The Board of Managers transacted the business of this church at
ten regular meetings with an average attendance of nine. We are
hoping that we can recruit some new members for the Board. We should
have eighteen with six retiring each year. The first term of office
is three years and we meet the second Monday of each month in the
church at 7:30 P.M. We are pleased to heve the Rev. Kenneth Wilson
attend our meetings and we wish to thank him for his interest and
We held the annual Turkey Supper in October and we had an auction
sale in September. Mr. William Montgomery was a very capable auc-
tioneer. Both these events were a success and the Board wishes to
thank the congregation for their excellent support.
Mr. John Milton wished to be relieved of the position of Enve~-
lope Secretary which he carried out faithfully for five years. We
are pleased to announce that Campbell Black will now be Envelope .
Secretary. Again, we are indebted for the financial support given by
the P.W.A., Session and the Circles of the church. We wish to thank
Mrs. Mollie Mitchell for printing a splendid calendar for our infor-
mation each Sunday. The Board saw fit to add Mrs. Mitchell to our
payroll at our December meeting. After nearly twenty years of ser-
vice, Mrs. Mitchell merited this gesture of appreciation.
We wish to thank the Centennial Committee and Mr. Ed Renaud for
having the speaker system installed in our church. It benefits one
and all. Mr. William Gowan hag been Chairman of the Property Conmit-
tee. Each year brings its own need, in the mintenance of the church
and manse. The manse was painted with volunteer help and Gordon Smith
takes care of the electrical equipment there and also installed two
smoke detectors, Mr. Ron Nodwell black-topped the driveway in July.
The fascia repair wes completed, on the ends of the church, under the
guidance of the Property Committee. The fascia fund proved its value
and again we thank the people of this church for their generous finan-
cial help. Mr. John Gillespie and Mr. Gordon Smith are a committee
for the purpose of looking into some landscaping work in the future.
A little work was carried out by the Session on plant sale day last
year. At that time, Mr. N. McMillan donated some evergreens.
Mr. Ed Renaud carried out the duties of Chairman of the Ushering
Committee. The 20th Anniversary of Westminster-St. Paults will be
held in May of this year. We have the usual January mortgage payment
due in January, and after five more payments, in May of 1979 the
mortgage will be paid off.
In the light of God's grace, we have indeed been blessed and we
will go into the future with renewed hope and confidence. We wish to
thank Mr. George Locker for his caretaking duties, and Mr. Bob Millar
for repairing the windows. Mr. Fitz Bharath has consented to be a mem
ber of the Board in 1978 and Mrs. Dorothy Morgan was welcomed at our
December meeting. With gratitude to our minister, his wife and family,
we respectfully submit this report.
J. Haglitt, Chairman
L. McGillivray, Secretary