see :

Another successful year for the Presbyterian Woments Association
has come to a close. --The®e are-approximately.60 members in the Asso-
ciation, grouped into three circles. In 1977, we held six general
meetings. All offerings go to Missions.

Our Community Outreach included a number of activities such as:

a birthday party in February for residents at "The Elliott"; World
Day“ of Prayér, the Charity Bazaar at Willow West; Meals on Wheels;
entertaining monthly at Hyde Park Nursing Home; donating to Pastoral
Visitation Services’ Tea and Bazaar; the Fellowship of The Least Coin;
gifts to mental health patients and Hyde Park Nursing Home at Christ-

Our members took part in activities within our own church inclu-
ding: Anniversary Sunday when the Rev. Gordon Hastings was guest
speaker; the Bake Sale in May; the fund-raising supper for fascia
board repairs; the annual fowl supper; 97th birthday party for the Rev.
Williamson, a former minister of St. Paults who is now a resident at
Hyde Park Nursing Home; the annual Christms bazaar.

We sent a delegate to Synodical (W.M.S.) in April and several
others also attended. Some members attended the Spring and Fall Ral-
lies of the W.M.S. in Hespeler and Elora. November was named "Outreach
Month" in our church and members donated towards our community outreach
projects. Our P.W.j. annual meeting was in November when we enjoyed a
delicious Pot Luck Supper. At this time the Circles presented their
reports and a new slate of officers for 1978 was approved. As in the
past, Bibles were presented to Church School graduates and money donated
for the Church School Christmas party.

We wish to thank all those in the church who contributed towards
the Outreach projects, fowl supper, bake sale and bazaar.

May the coming year see us grow in spirit and strength as we work
together for -the good of the Church and Community.

WASS wists
_ Marnie Milne
= ran Secretary >

The Cradle Roll membership for 1977 was 31. There have been 5
baptisms and 13 graduated from the nursery on their 3rd birthday.

Cradle Roll certificates are presented to the new members when they
are baptized, on behalf of the Presbyterian Woments Association. Fach
year birthday cards are sent to all members until their third birthday.

Wilma Kobylnik
