Session Report .... -3-
By Transfer of Certificate: Mrs. Wilma Courtenay Mr. Arthur Gessner
Miss Moira Courtenay Mrs. Ruby Gessner
: Mr. R. Hanna Miss Deb. Gessner
Mrs. R. Hanna Mr. John Gessner
Mr. Ken Kay Miss L. Kay
Mrs. K. Kay
By Death: Mr. W. Sobye
Mr. F, McCord ;
Mrs. E. Weir
Membership at December 31st, 1976 ...cscsceccecccccccceccccecee 4OT
Added - by action of Session 0 3
- by transfer 6 es
- by profession of faith 4 iis
Removed --by action of Session 20
- by transfer al
- by death 3
Membership at December 31st, 1977 (including *Out of Townt-and-
inactive members) wee cweceeeesececesiens tees oc-eees 463
Adherents 3 : 36
Number of households represented (including adherents but not "Out of”
Town? members) : 2h3
In 1977 there were 5 baptisms and 13 weddings.

It is with great regret that we record the deaths of our esteemed
members, Mr. William Sobye, Mr. Fred McCord and Mrs. Edie Weir. We
extend our sincere sympathy to the families and look forward to'the day
of Resurrection. : :

é Robert Renton
Clerk of Session
