Session Report....., =2 =
We welcome into the fellowship of Westminster -St. Paul's the
following who joined in 1976 and wish them all of God's blessings.
By action of the Session: 0
“By Profession of Faith: Mrs. Blanche Duncen John McAllister
Karen Eccles Jane McConnell
David Hall Thomas Stinson
Leurie Kay Mrs. Elaine Toso
Cindy Kobylnik John Wilson
Wayne Kobylnik
By transfer of certificate: Mrs. Brenda Archer e
We also note those whose names were removed from the Roll
during 1976:
~By ection-of the Session: Ruth Ann Finnigan (nee Ball)
‘Mr. and Mrs. D. Kritg
By transfer of certificate: Mr. and Mrs. D. Croft
Mr. and Mrs, P, DeHaan
Mr. end Mrs. H. McKendry
By death: Mrs. Cox
Mr. A. Wilson
Membership at December 31, 1975 (not including inactive members) 431
Removed - by action of Session 3
- by transfer 6
- by death 2
= : . YW
Added - by action of Session 0
- by transfer ab
aS, ~ by profession of faith 11
_ Membership at December 31, 1976 (including "Out of Town" and
: : "Inactive" members) 467
Adherents 29
Number of households within the Guslph area (including ad-
herents but not "Out of Town" members) ; 237
In 1976 there were 3 baptisms and 10 weddings.
It is with regret that we record the deaths of our esteemed
members, Mrs. Cox and Mr. Wilson. We extend our sincere sympathy
“to the families and look with hope to the day of Resurrection.
Robert J. Renton
Clerk of Session
