PWA report...... -8-
We held two Fotluck Suppers, one in May where we entertained our
children end Mr. Wilson showed slides about the fun of summer camping,
and in November the Circles presented their reports et our Annual Mee-
ting end presented the slete of officers for 1977. . We. contributed fi-
nenciglly to the Board of Managers during the year and were able to
pey off the outstending bank loan of $1,200 in December. Bibles were
presented to Church School graduates and money doneted towards the
Church School Christmas party. As in the past, the congregation was
most generous in doneting to the Fowl Supper, bake sale and bazear.
In 1977 may we, with God's help, grow in strength and enrich our
lives by shering in the work of the Church and community.
: Marnie Milne
Belence forward 1975 $1109.84
Less Missions - Balance forward 8.25
‘ _ 2 $1101.59
Receipts: f
Catering Y.P. luncheon & dinner $142.10
Luncheon is Served 158.00
Less expenses 50.00 108.00
Book & Candy Sale - Willow West Mell 120.50-
Mey Bake Sale 248055
Sele of plates and mugs 43.00
Sale of crafts 13.85
Donations to P.W.A. 252.20
Bank interest 14.56
Sentaleand Bazaar 994.55
less expenses 23.73 970.82
Circle Donetions f :
Grescent 450.00
Victoria : 125.00 575.00 2488 58
Missions: forward 8.25
P.W.A. Collections ~ ae 38.20
Private donations SRI st 10.00
Men's Presbytery receipts 31.32
Circle donetions ; - 138.25 +. 226,02 .
Less 4.M.S. cheque SRogGR TF
, Disbursements:
Supply allotment 45.00
‘Flowers and candles i 104.31.” ue
Cards and stamps : 16.16
Try cleaning 22.00
Kitchen expenses : 65.80
Carpeting - waghrooms | 50.00
Dupliceting machine : *~ 609.90
Pastoral Visitation Services . “25,00
Christmas donation to. Hyds Park : 40.00" ‘
. Christmas donation Church School 1975 & '76 © 55-00
. Boerd. of Menagers - general ~ 450.00 ‘
- bank loan : 1950.85 3464-87
Balance December 31, 1976 125.30
Helen A. McGillivery, Treasurer
