Goodwill Circle..... — 10 =

Balence 1975 ‘ § 43.92 :

Receipts: : Expenses: “at :
Collections & donations 399.21 . Board of Managers $475 OC
Eester offering - 25.00 Missions 3350
Telent money 34.00 Flowers & gifts : 38.57
Benk interest .93 Fellowship of the Least
Book & bake sales 47.60 Coin - 21,80
Birthdey box 33.50 4
Fellowship of the Least © $5482.87

Coin 1.80 ;
$585.96 Soe
Belence $37.09
oa Grace Edmonson, Treasurer

The Victoria Circle has a membership of. 24 and held 10 meetings last
year in varioys members’ homes with an average attendance of 14. Some of
our projects for the year were Bring and Buy sales, travelling hake bas~
ket, rummage sale, dessert and card night and a progressive euchre. night.
We helped with the Y.P. rally, catered. to the Bible Society dinner, hel-
ped at the Charity Bazear, Meels on Wheels, the Presbytery meetings held
at the church, donated articles to Pastoral Visitation Services Bazeer ,
helped with the Fowl Supper end catered to a 25th wedding anniversary.
We have e Penny Beggar can for the Seve the Children Fund. . This year we
heve become foster parents to a 4 yeer old boy in Costa Rica.. As @ Cen-
tennial project we obtained pictures of our present end pest ministers,
fremed.them and hope to have them hung in the church, We also add to our
funds with a birthdey end anniversary box, and collect for the Fellow-
ship of the Least Coin. :

Our June meeting is a barbeque supper held at the home of Eunice
Ritchie, and at Christmas we fo out for dinner and then to the home of
Helen Scott for a meeting end the bagging of Christmes candy, etc., for
the Church School party. We have hed an enjoyable year both from a
work end sociel standpoint. Instead of exchanging gifts st Christmes,
we geve a sum of money to Meals on Wheels to pay for dinners on Christ-
mes dey.

I would like to thank all those who heve helped to- make this year
successful. 5

Velma Smith, Secretary
