Victoria Circle..... -l- a , seers i
Receipts: : a oh . Expenses:
Bank balance 1975 $154.11. Flowers, gifts, etc. 315.24
Offering 34.00 Misc. ‘expenses 114.90
Dues i 6.95 Presbytery lunch - PVA ~ 10.28
Bring & Buy & 2-book sales 54.65. Ministers' pictures "i" 87.80
Cerd parties. (2) .' 175.80 “Catedien Bible Soctety- "= 25.00
Fellowship of-Least-Coin ..2.97 Sponsoring child = 96.00
Catering 379.50 Board of Menagers 400.00
Donetion 10.16 Missions - PWA * ~~ 34.00
Cheese offer-- >: 2,00 Fellowship of Least Coin 2.40
- Rummege sele 3 :157.80° Bank service -charpe 2,00
Beke basket 9.00 ‘ =
Birthday box ». 10.75
Bank. interest -- ~ ge Lea. : eis i
* 9 §998.93-- ae arti : $787 .62
Bank belance es of Nov. 24/76 $211.31
x & én : : .. Michelle..Forsyth, Treasurer
fos) GRADLE- ROL REPORT.) ss te
Membership at the beginning of the year-was. 25... During the year 8
members graduated on reaching their third birthdey end we received 3 new
members. Cradle Roll certificates are presented to the new members on
behalf of the Presbyterian Women's ‘Association et,the time of .beptism.
Each year birthday cards are sent to ell members.
i Wilma Kobylnik, convenor
Brownies meet every Tuesday fron 728 230 P.M. in the church basément.
le heve e full peck of: 25 brownies, ages 7-10}. Besides earning badges
ae whith the girls are now working herd on, they have test work: which, enables
= them to be'a great help to Mother in the home;.to others in their communi-
: ty end to themselves in school, work and play. © =
3 They learn of other countries through songs end folk dances end
stories. Trips, pertid# end picnics ere only a few of the fun things
> : enjoyed by the Brownies. ‘While making many new friends, they also learn
‘ to share and get along with others. . =
t as Brown Owl: - Sally Senders
5 a Mn as Taymy Owl . -.Lori Goulden
is aoe +* Junior Leader Shelley Nodwell
Classes were held during ten months of the year. The Junior depart-
ment, for children up to and including grade 3, met. during Church ser-
vices at 11:00 A.M. The Senior department, for all other ages, met be-
tween 9:30 and 10:30 A.M. the end of the year was
approximately 26,in the junior and the senior with attendace
generally around 50%. neni i, Es eSSFERAS
