
There are currently 20 ladies in the Crescent Circle with an
average attendance of 15 et the monthly meetings. Ten meetings were
held during the year.

Jean Little, Guelph author, wes guest speaker at the January mee-
ting end gave an interesting and humorous telk. We also held a rummage
sele,.tied ea quilt-(mede by Mrs. McGillivray) which wes doneted to the

- Red Cross. We donated to the Guetemala Relief Fund, convened the Nay
Bake Sale end catered to the opening of a new Royal Bank branch. We
gave $450.00 to the P.W.A. treasurer. In June we dined out at the Gol-

- den Crown resteurant and in December held e Christmes party at Joyce
-Runre's home. We purchesed a new rug for the Church nursery. Cur mem-
bers donated beking for the Mey sale and baking end crefts for the
Bezeer es well es helping at the Fowl. Supper. We elso donated to the
Fellowship of the Least Coin end filled.benks with e "cent-a-meal" for
the year. A work meeting was held for the Bazaer where we mede chokers,
pictures end other crafts. ‘

Dsirdre Renaud, Secretary
Belence on hend, Janvery 1, 197% § 129.07
Receipts: Expenses: 5
Missions $ 69.75 Doriations to
Fenny Banks ‘ 121.65 missions § 69.75
Rummege sele 80.63 Jean Little 10.00
Coffee party oe O.5R Nursery rug 54.39
Cetering - Royal Bank — 150.00. Guatemals relief 18.00
Sale of toys 16.00 Paid to P.W.A. 450.00
Guetemala relief 18.00 Mercury ad. 3.00
Interest 91 Misc. expenses 18.46
Donations, etc.. 5h 25 $623.60
$600.73 600.73
less 623-60
ES 106.20
- Cash on hand ‘ : 7230
Belance on hand : : i : $108.75
: *- Dorothy Morgan, Treasurer ©
The Goodwill Circle held 10 meetings with an average of 15 members
answering to roll call. Each meeting is opened with e short devotions1
To raise money we held 3 Bring and Buy sales, 3 book sales, doubled
our telent money, end with special collections and generous donetions
and birthday box hed a successful year. The sick and shut-ins are visi-
ted or remembered with cards or e plant. We participated in most P.7.4.
We would like to thank all members for their cooperation and support
in the past year.
Jessie Coutts, Secretary
