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In the passing of 1976 the Board has many favours to be thankful
for. We wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. K, Wilson for their guidance and
hospitality. We are grateful to Mrs. Mollie Mitchell for her secre-
terial work and-also to the Presbyterien Women for their unfailing
finencial support. At the end of 1976, they pela off the bank loan
of $1,210.00. One member is to be thanked especially for a cheque
for $200.00 toward this. The women also purchased a new copying ma-
chine for the church.
The Board held 10 meetings with an average attendance of 10.
> The Session mst with the managers twice to discuss matters pertaining
to both. The Property Committee informed the congregation by letter
of the need of repair to the fascia boards. This repair work must be
done this spring. The Treasurer received $700.00 to be put toward
the cost of repair‘which is $3,125.00. Your Board suggests that a
fund be set up to defray expenses and possibly avoid going into debt.
Test Mr. Norman McMillen attended our November meeting and put forth
@ plan to have property landscaped in the spring. The initial land-
_ Scaping committee is Mr. John Gillespie and Mr. Gordon Smith. We sre
: grateful to the Centennial Committee and Mr. Hd. Renaud for installing
the speaker system, and also to Mr. Wilbert Wright for constructing a
_. small cabinet for housing speaker parts under the pulpit. Mr. George
: Forsyth Sr. did some needed decorating at the Manse to the satisfac-
“tion of all concerned. The exterior of the Manse is in need of
painting also. The Lilliput Land Nursery School still rents our fa-
cilities. This is working out satisfactorily. However, there has
been some misunderstending as to church use. Mr. Bruce Knox is the
arbitrator in this matter. All groups or persons desiring use of any
*< part of the church must clear dates with him and date having been es-
tablished, must be written into the proper box on the church calender
~. 4n the church-hell. This is a "must" as it assists our caretaker,
Mr. George Locker. We wish to thank him for work done beyond the call
of duty. Mr. Wm. Montgomery is our financial wizard and we are grate-
ful to him also. The books were closed with a small balance on the
. Tight side of the ledger. The congregation is to be congratulated.
“We are in the process of forming a new Board for 1977. We need volun~
teers. Our annual Turkey Supper was the best yet and our profit was
$800.00 plus. The response for food from our people was just fabulous.
Cur church trustees did their pert also. Mr. Carl-Jackson-reported
contents of the safety deposit box as follows:
(1) Deeds of land, three.
(2) Deed of Trust and Mortgage from National Trust, Toronto.
(3) Release from Pagani re new roof on the church.
(4) Letter from Hollingsworth, Stanburg, Wilson & Stanburg re issue
of debenture to pay for the church, dated June 15, 1959.
(5) Bill and receipt for organ from Baldwin Co.
(6) Survey of church property.
