Dear Friends: /9h

At last I can say "I know you"--at least in the sense of having
visited you at some time or other. It is a relief to me to be able
to look on the congregation on Sundays and spot a stranger with some

As I look back over the past two years, it has been a period of
assessing each other. May I suggest that now, this coming year, is
the time for us to go forward together to redouble our efforts to
extend the witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. While doing so,
we should strive to become more of a family. This requires effort
on everyone's part.

Rest assured there is a part for you to play besides your ‘giving :
and your attendence at Public Worship. I invite you to discuss with
me your role in the community of Westminster -St. Paul's, and to dis-
cuss how I may help you to meet your Christian commitments in the
world. . :

: : Sincerely,
(signed) Kenneth Wilson .

Once egain there is much for which we must be thankful as we re~
view the events of the past year.

On behalf of the congregation we extend our appreciation to all
who heve done so much for our church during.the year: the organist;

“ the choir; the church school staff; the ladies' groups; the Board of
Manegers; irs. M. Mitchell, our typist; Mr. George Locker, our care~
taker; and all others who serve in their own way and remain nameless.
We extend a special thanks to.all who have given of their worl?’ 7
goods 2nd moral eupport to the efforts of the church.

In 1976 our congregation accepted a figure of $2,500,00 as our
contribution to the General Assembly budget through the 'red side' of

: the weekly offering envelopes. By the end of the year, we had sub-
mitted $2,292.10 to the Treasurer of the Presbyterien Church in
Canada, Toronto, We commend you for your effort and encourage you to
accept and surpass the suggested allocation of $2,500.00 for 1977...

The annual plant sale was a successful venture with the proceeds
being forwarded to the Board of Managers to be used in the work of
our church. :

During the year Session was pleased to inaugurate a "Twentieth
Anniversary Committee" under the capable chairmanship of Mrs. L.
McGillivray. It is hoped that this committee will receive your help
in planning a suitable program of activities in celebration of our
twentieth enniversary in 1978.
