The Board held ten meetings in 1975 with an average attendance of ten.
Rev. Kenneth Wilson attended most of our meetings. We met jointly with the
Session in May and a committee was formed as follows: ‘ es ee
Rev. Kenneth Wilson, Donald Croft » William Montgomery, George Forsyth and
lorraine McGillivray. This group attended a meeting in St. Andrew's Church,
Kitchener, in June. Mr. Alex Deans of Toronto outlined steps leading to a
successful visitation in the fall. Mr. William Montgomery was chosen as
over-all Chairman of the visitation committee. Plans for this began in
September and visitation Sunday was November 16th, 1975. We wish to thank
William Montgomery and all those who helped in visiting the congregation.
Herewith is a short visitation report:
VISITATION ~ This fall two members of the Board of Managers, Lorraine _
McGillivray and Bill Montgomery, served on the visitation committee. Also :
serving were Mrs, A. Deans, Mrs. M. Milne and Rev. K. Wilson.
The committee was very active visiting with the members of several church
organizations at their meetings. The committee adopted the theme of "Get-
ting to Know You rather than making a plea for funds. Volunteers from
the congregation to visit the congregation were very few. Asa result,
many of the members of our congregation did not receive a visit. Those
that did respond reported that they were well received. A special thank
you to the members of the Session who responded at the last moment.
PROPERTY COMMITTEE - 1975 - the centennial of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada. For the congregation, Gordon Smith erected a very appropriate
wrought iron centennial sign at the front of the church,
(1) Manse was painted on the interior in January, 1975.
433 Lilliput Land Nursery School renewed its lease on the church basement,
3) The lower floor of the church, including the Sunday School room, front
entrance hall, choir room, kitchen, board room and washrooms, was painted
in December, 1975, by Mr. and Mrs. R. Harwood. z
(4) The Sunday School drapes were cleaned.
(5) Routine maintenance, such as replacing broken windows, repairing the
roof, repairing the furnace etc., was carried out during the year.
(6) The duties of Church Caretaker were taken over by Mr. Andrew Mowatt
from Mr, Joe Sanders in October, 1975.
In closing this report on behalf of the Board and Property Committee, I
would like to sincerely thank Mr. and Mrs. R. Harwood, volunteer men, women
and young people who worked many extra hours to see the painting project
USHERING COMMITTEE - E. Grift reports that four ushers are required each
Sunday and wishes that more people would come forward and volunteer their
services. Ushering could be made more efficient and it is also a good way
to become acquainted with the congregation.
