—2e ;
Board of Managers - continued
The managers wish to thank the Session and the P.W.A. of the Church for
their very generous donations to our funds in 1975. The P.W.A. reduced tis
the bank loan by $500 in June. One member of the Church gave $60.00 to
also reduce our indebtedness at the bank. To all anonymous donors, we
are indeed grateful. We also wish to express our sincere thanks to
Mollie Mitchell for preparing our calendar and doing other secretarial
work gratis during the year. The Board was pleased to welcome Gerald
Hazlitt, Elgin Jury and Edward Renaud as the new Board members late in
the year.
There were two newsletters sent to the congregation during the year,
Our annual turkey dinner in October was a decided success. We sincere— :
ly thank all those who helped and all who donated food. We feel that
as a Church Board we functioned well in 1975 and merit your continued
support —- financial and in any new project that might present itself
during 1976. We wish you all a Happy New Year,
Respectively submitted, ec . aa fat
D. Nodwell a TL McGillivray
Chairman Secretary
AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1975 L iskehr ee ieehh
(with comparative figures for 1974) =e
: 1975 127k
Current assets 2
Bank $ 1,490 $ 3,203
Current liabilities :
Bank loan - 1,940 2,500
Accounts Payable ( 23) WZ
Working capital (deficit) (427) (__7)
Fixed assets - at cost :
Iand . 13,015 13,015
Buildings 119,319 119,319
Furnishings 12,112 12,112
. 1h 446 1h Abb ae
Long-term liabilities
Mortgage payable (note 2) 17,000 21,000 :
127,446 123,446
Menberst equity (note 1) $127,019. $123,372. -- t