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liessege to the congregation:
It is now a year since I came to you. It seems almost
impossible thet it has passed so quickly. Neturally my big task
hes been visitetion - e tesk thet I em still working et. How-
ever, I am heppy to sey that eredually the end cf the first round
of visiting is in sight.
In addition to visitetion, I heve tried to give attention to
youth work es much és possible. My wife has been very helpful in
this regard also. Together we have worked with the Church School
85 well as attempting to contact older youth in our Church in
verious weys.
As we consider the pest yeer, we ere only sorry thet we were
uneble to do more but time is such a limiting fector.
: Looking to the year ahead, let me say we sre eager todo |
ever more to extend Christ's Kingdom but our success will be mea-
sured in great part by your willingness to shere end work with
Remember while time and energy are against us, St. Paul put
it so well, "If God be for us - Who cen be ageinst us?"
Thet is our mandate es a Church, Nothing is too great for
us to underteke as a Church - if we approach it in faith and in
the Fower of His Spirit. Msy 1976 be a yeer in which we attempt ‘
ereat things in His Neme.
Rev. K. J. Wilson .