Crescent Circle Report - cont.

We catered to e wedding in March and one in August. We doneted
beking to the Bake Sale at the Church in May, and elso made donations
of candy to the Book and Candy Sale held at Willow West Mell.

We helpe¢ to sell Church mugs end plates for the P.W.A. Centen-
nial Project, helped with the Mother and Daughter Benquet, assisted
the F.W.A. with devotions end lunch, helped with the Dessert and
Cerd Party in February, end contributed $75.00 to the Board of Mena-

At the September meeting members brought new material, yern and
clothing for the Bele plus freight for shipping. We hed a sociel mee-
ting in June when we went to the Peking Palace restaurant for de-
licicus Chinese food.

In September our guest speaker was Mrs. Kay Smith who showed us
her beautiful slides of Kenya and gave a most interesting commentary
es well, :

We catered to a dinner for the Agronomists, essisted the F.W.A.
et the Coffee and Muffin Party end quilt display, held a successful
Rummege Sele, doneted food and helped with the Fowl Supper.

We contributed one cent a meal to our "Penny-A-Meal" cans, and
contributeé to the Fellowship of The Least Coin. ~


Balance on hand January 1st, 1974 $ 11.41
1973 Fenny Banks 106.88
Stanley Party . 22.50
Telent Money and Donations 32.50
1974 Fenny Banks . 59.65
Bank Interest 18
Rummage Sele 118.15
Total Receipts 351.27
Expenses 4
Feid to P.W.A. June-1974 75.00
Oxfam Donetion . 5.00
Afriven Drought Relief Donation 10,00
World Vision of Canada Donation 10.00 5
Banner Entry Fee oe 2.00
Benner Material 25.00
Sundry Expenses - Bale Freight, Mercury Ad etc. 11.25
Peid to P.W.A. November /74 . 150,00
Total Expenses , 288.25
Belance on Hand 63.02
