Fresbyterian Women's Assoc. - Cont.

This year we sold pictorial Church plates and mugs to raise money
for our Centennial Yeer Fund. One Circle made a banner and entered it
in the Centennial Banner Contest. It wes one of those chosen to go on
tour ecross Cenéda during Centenniel Year. Used postege stamps are
saved and sold to "Help Stamp Out Lerrosy".

Our offerings go towerds missicns and in the fell a variety of
knitted articles, wool and meteriel are sent to the Missionery Bale
which goes to native people in the north.

Our members helped at the ennual Fowl Supper in October. A very
successful Christmas bazeér was held in December and members donated
candy end used books for a sale held at Willow West Mall.

At our Mother. and Deughter Banquet in Mey, Mrs. Moffat énterteined
with her set of 100 yeer old bells and once-again we sold baking et
the Session Plant Sele in May.. In September our members were taken on
an interesting tour at Homewood where the Volunteer Progrem was ex~
plained. In October Mr. Cosser, of the Pastorel Visitetion Service,
spoke about their work. Also in October a coffee party and display
of quilts wes held et the Church. A small group of ladies met to
quilt one afternoon e week for several months.

We contributed financially to the Board of Managers and presen-
ted Bibles to the Sunday School graduates, as well as $25.00 towerds
the Sundey School Christmas Party. $25.00 wes sent to Miss Kennedy's
Reading Room in India. Our members helped to steff the nursery,
provided flowers in the Sanctuary enc supplies in the kitchen.

We were most grateful to the congregation for donations to the
Bake Sele end help at the Fowl Supper. It is only by sharing in the
tesks of the Church by everyone thet we cen continue +o grow and with
God's help we will do so in the year ahead. .

Marnie Milne
: : Secretery, P.W.A.
