Board of Managers Report .- Cont.
The Cenadian Reform Church requested the use of our facilities for a
meeting in Jenuery, 1975. The Boerd wes pleased to grant this free,
in appreciation of their tenure of our Church in 1973-74. The church
hell is now rented to the Lilliput Land Nursery School. This is our
Nout-reach" in this community. It is the hope of your Board thet we
mey still be of service to you end that we will all give e@ good ac-
count of ourselves in stewardship in 1975.
FINANCE: The finenciel report and wstimeting the budget are always
cur prime concerns. We trust that the new budget meets with your "p-
PRCYERTY: In addition to normal meintenance the following items were
done -
1 - Hot water tank replaced by 60 gallon tank on ea rentel
basis from Guelph Hydro.
2.- Furnace tubes cleaned, new gasket, pump and motor in-
stelled and leaks repaired et severel joints in the
heating system, This took considerable time and was
@one by three members of the Board which in turn saved
several hundred dollers.
3. - Due to vandalism, roof shingles and leaded windows hed
tobe replaced which entailed considerable expense.
_- The broken wooden letters, for the Church name, at the
front of the Church ere also being replaced.
4 - Centenniel sign was erected at the front of the Church
by e Board member.
5 - Following a fire inspection, a new fire extinguisher
was purchased and installed in the Sundey School erea.
6 - The cutside Church doors were refinished by Mr. Georgs
Forsyth Sr. et no cherge.
7 - Mrs. R. Courtenay donated $20.00 toward cleaning of the
drapes at the Mense.
It pores without saying thet 1974 wes e frustreting year for ell of us.
Let us then be thenkful in spite of our shortcomings, we still heve the
privilege of meeting and working together. We submit this report: for
ycur apprevel and wish you the compliments of the seascn.
I. Miller, Chairman
L. McGillivray, Secretary