The Kirk Session Report - Cont.
MEMBERSHIP : Remeved - by action cf Session 69
- by transfer 13
- by death 2
Added = by action of Session 3
- by transfer a
- by profession all
Membership at December 31st, 1974 ....ceccccceccessees 415
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In 1974 there were 9 baptisms end 30 weddings.
It is with regret that we record the deaths of cur esteemed members:
Mrs. Webster
Mr. Charles Berker
Mr. William Mcrgan
Session also noted with regret the death of Dr. John Ballantine in
Ottawa last Mey. Dr. Ballantine was a charter member of our church
and an esteemed member of Session before his transfer to Ottewe.
We extend our sincere sympathy tc the families end look with hope
to the day of Resurraction.
Robert J. Renton
Clerk of Session
2974 Board of Menagers Report
We ere pleased tc report we had an excellent ercup of managers this
yeer. We held ten meetings with an average ettendance of thirteen.
The ennuel Fowl Supper was a decided success and the Board wishes to
thenk the ladies for their generous donetions of food in spite of the
sherp rise in the price of food products. The managers ere prateful
to the congregation and those who helped in any way. We again re-
ceived generous money donetions from the P.W.A., Session and others.
Mr. W. Montgomery, treasurer, found it much easier to make the four
mortgege payments, pay the bills end keep the financiel status of
the Church feirly solvent this year. We also wish to thank Mrs.
, Mollie Mitchell for editing and supplying a calender eech Sundey.
V\ This year the Board posted an "Events Calendar" in the church hall.
This has been functioning well. We hope that every group er anyone
. desiring use of the church hall will make their requests known to
Mr. Bruce Knox and insert time and date of meeting on the calendar.
In this way, the calendar will serve its purpose and be kept up to
