Cnce egein we have much for which we must be thankful as we look back
ever the year just past. On behalf of the congregation, we extend our
appreciation to all those people who heve done sco much work for our
Church curing the yeer: the Orgenist, choir leaders and choirs; the
Sundey School staff; the youth leaders; the ladies of the various
Circles; the Board of Menegement: Mrs. H. Mitchell, our typist; our
cereteker, Mr. J. Senders; Mrs. B. Gorman, who decorates the Sanc-
tuary each week; and ell those who have served in their own way end who
remein nemeless. We extend a speciel thanks to Rev. Dr. Ym, Weir who
hes faithfully served us-es supply minister during the pest months and
to Rev. Norman Young who hes guided us es Interim-Moderator during our
quest for.a new minister whom, wo pray, shall be with us by Februery
ist, 1975. It is with regret thet we recall the resignation of our
minister, Rev. A. Ronald Courtenay, who so feithfully led us in our
congregationel life from his induction on Sept. 23rd, 1970 until his
departure on August 31st, 1974. We wish him well in his future en-
deevours. i
In 1974, we accepted a figure cf $2,000.00 as cur contribution to the
General Assembly Budget. By the end of the year we had sent $2,000.00
to the Treasurer of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Toronto. We
commend you for the effort end encourage you to accept the ellocetion
of $2,000.00 for 1975 and to support it if possible.
Session held a Plant Sale lete in May which was very, well supported by
our members end others. This annual event always realizes & profit
which is forwerdeé to the Board of Menagers to help with the work of
our Church,
We welcomed into the fellowship of Westminster -St. Paul's the following
vho joined in 1974, end wish for them all God's blessings.
By Action of The Session:
Mr. end Mrs. Carl Deans
Mrs. Grace Reid
By Profession of Feith:
; Miss Moira Courtenay Miss Velerie Speers
: : Mr. Kenneth Currie Miss Marnie Armstrong
Mr. Murray Stinson Miss Sherry Armstrong
r Miss Brenda Guthrie
By Transfer _of Membership:
A Mrs. Thelma Davies Mr. & Mrs. W. Tegert
Mr. & Mrs. A. Watt Mrs. M. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. K. Wenzel
