: It is with regret thet the Presbyterian Women's Asscciation announces the
disbending cf the MacKay Circle fcr the present time owing to lack of mem-
bership. This nc leaves three Circles in the Assccietion, comprised of
: approximately 59 members.
There were five reneral meetings end two executive meetings in 1973.
4s 8 group, we parteke in community life by taking pert in the World Day
of Treyer, contributing to the Fellowship of The Least Coin, assisting with
teas for nursing hcme patients end sending Christmas gifts tc mental and
nursing heme patients. In 1974 we will be helping with "Meals on “heels",
Our cfferings frcm eech meeting go to missions and in September we contri-
bute towerd the missicnary bele.
As in former years, we held a Lucky Luncheon in February, a St. Paul's for-
mer nembers' night in Merch, and scld heme beking at the Session Flant Sale
in May. ‘le elsc hed a women's lay service in Sertember and e "Meet The
Managers" night when is. Cliff Berker was guest speeker and shcwed slides
of her trip to New Zeeland.
In October we helped with the enmnusl Fowl Supper and had a fall bazear,
selling whet wes left cver et the Fillow Jest Mall.
Financial assistance was given to the Board and Bibles presented to the
graduating Sundey School classes. “e paid fcr the new curtains cn the chceir
: loft end for the cleaning of the downsteirs dreperies. We contributed
$25.00 towerds Miss MacKay's Reeding Room in Indie end $50.00 tc the este-
blishment cf the girls' hcme "fyndhem House" in Guelph. Te helped steff
: the nursery, tcok care cf kitchen supplies and provided flowers for the
1974, the Centenniel of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will be a chal-
lenging yeer fcr 211 and we lock forward to God's guidance throughout it.
C. Gillespie
Secretary, P.”.A.
The Credle Roll membership et the begiming cf the year 1973 wes 55. Du-
ring the yeer 9 members graduated on rerching their third birthdey, and we
received 19 new members.
Credle Rcll certificetes are presented tc the new members cn behalf cf the
Presbyterian ‘cmen's Associaticn at the time cf baptism. Esch year birth-
dey cards ere sent tc ell members.
Mrs. W. Kebylnik