100th Anniversery - continued...
Ferheps a group of pecple could get together and use their artistic telents
to create e Centennial Banner from everyday meteriels; others mey wish to
write 2 scng or compose the music for it. There is any number of things

5 that we can do es a congregation for this special celebraticn.
During the General Assembly of 1975 it is hoped tec arrange a special Com-

= municn Service for the whole Church ecross Canada, using television, so that

we may ell come to the Lerd's Table together on the Centennial Sunday in
If we, as a congregetion, are going to take part in the Centennial celebra-
tions of our Church in any way at all, we must start preparing very soon,
and if there are any suggestions as to how we can do something special for
Centennial Year pleese talk about them amd mske them kncwn.
This is a great opportunity to --

Remember the past 100 years

Renew cur commitment to God and to our Church

Respond with a new outlook to the next 100 years of the life

of our great Church.

Alastair G. Fairbairn

Your Board cf Menegers held 10 regular meetings in 1973 with an everage at-

Es tendance of 7, Please note this included the presence cf our Envelope Sec-
retery end Treasurer. One speciel meeting wes held with a committee from
the Canadian Reform Church. At this meeting, we arranged to have their
congregation rent and use the facilities of Westminster-St. Paul's until
they are in a position to have a church home of their own. The arrangements
made have turned out satisfectory to all concerned.

The Boerd is finding it increesingly difficult to recruit new members, At
this time, nine should be retiring instead cf six. This is due to the fact
that three remained on the Board from 1972 to keep it up to strength. Mrs.
Barbera Pritlove, after three years of excellent service as treasurer,
wishes to be relieved of this task. We are pleased to have Mr. John Milton
as envelore secretary. He is usually at the Board meetings and his past ex-
perience in church work inspires us all. We would like to voice a special
vote of thanks to Mrs. Mollie Mitchell for her year-rcund voluntary secre-
teriel work. Alsc, for the generous financial donetions of the Presbyterian
Women, the cift from the Session and young people's groups of the church.
Our fund-reising rrcject was the ennual turkey supper. The response for
food from the congregetion wes tremendous and we are preteful to those who
helped to make this a success,

- Finence Ccmmittee Report: The financial report and estimating the new bud-
get are our prime ccncerns. We trust that the new budget meets with your

Ushering Ccmmittee Repert: The aim of the Ushering Committee is to have e
darge percentum of men from the congregation help with this necessary ser-
vice. We are fincing it increasingly difficult to obtain assistance.

This committee wishes tc thank those who participated end hopes for a bet-
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