Centennial Project - ccntinued...
How about 1. You making, or knitting, or painting, or creating a
s work of art of gift and selling it for the fund?
2. Sending your heirlooms to the auction and donating
the proceeds?
< 3. Organizing an auction in the Church?
4. Organizing a sale of pens, chocolates, etc?
5. Starting a "Centennial Piggy Bank" in your house?
6. Donating 1/10th of one week's income?
7. Holding a special Bake Sele, Tea and Bazaar?
8. Orgenizing a Variety Show? :
, 9. Organize a Congregational Dinner end Film Night?
10, Cut the neighbour's grass or shovel his driveway and °¢ .
get him to donate to the fund?
11. Sell all your pocket books and send in the cash?
12. Donete your empty bottles that can be turned into
13, Save el] the nickles in your loose change every night?
14. Turning your idea into cash?
Those are a few ideas of how to raise the funds. DON'T YOU BE THE ONE TO SY
The money may be spent in a variety of ways, e.g., paving the lot, opening up
the other parking lot, landscaping, putting up a sign on the front lawn, a
P. A. system, or implementing your suggestion if you let us know what it is.
The congregation will have en opportunity to make its will known on how the
money is to be spent.
Now, involvement is needed. We need a committee, idea people, publicity
people, special projects people, a treasurer, a visual aid person tc make a
: thermometer, signs etc. It's Centennial Year in the Presbyterian Church in
Cenada. Let's share in the joyful celebration with a project worthy of
Vestminster-St. Faults,
On behalf cf the committee not yet formed -
. &. R. Courtenay
1875 1975 2075
Remembrence Renewel Response
There will be e celebration of the Centennial of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada in 1975, commemorating the joining cf e11 the Presbyterian Churches z
which were seperate units with different roots or were geographically separa-
ted. This union took plece in First Church, Montreal, in 1875 and Dr. Cooke
of St. Andrew's, Quebec, was the first Moderator. Since then the united
family has contributed much to Canada and to the Kingdom of God in this coun-
try end beyond,
In what way can we, as a congregation, help to celebrate this Centennial?
First of all, we should all become more familiar with the history of the
= Church through the Old and New Testaments, during the Reformation, and during
our life in Cenade end our work abroed. This can be done by forming small
study groups with interested people and studying along these lines.
Secondly, we can use special services occasionally to highlight events in
the life of the Church and perhaps special musical services with gospel
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