Session Report - continued....
We welcomed into the fellowship of Westminster-St. Paul's the following who
joined in 1973, end wish for them God's richest blessings.
By Frofession of Feith:
: Miss 4nn Heyes Mr. & Mrs. G. Hazlitt
Miss Sheron Locker Mrs. Patti Pritchett
Miss Cathy Wenzel
By Transfer of Membership:
Mr. & Mrs. E. Grift Mr. & Mrs. A, Ross
Mr. & Mrs, R. Vance Mr. & Mrs. G. McGillivary
Mr, & Mrs. W. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. H. Dedels
Mr. & Mrs. R. S, Jchnson Mrs. A. Bielik
Mr. & Mrs. R. Hanne Mr. D. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. L, Copeman Mrs. N. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ven Hnisstede Mr. & Mrs. J. West
Membership at Dec. 31st, 1972 506
Removed - by transfer 9
by action of Session =
by death 4
: 13 493
Adéed - by profession 6
: by transfer “aS
Membership at Dec. 31st, 1973 52h
In 1973 there were 25 Baptisms and 35 weddings.
It is with regret anc sorrow that we record the death of our esteemed mem-
Mr. N. Begg
Mr. H. Bolton
Kathleen Hill, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. ™m. Hill
Mrs. I. McConaghy
Mrs, E. McKersie
We extend our sincere sympathy to the families and lock with hore to the
dey of Resurrection.
Robert J. Renton
Clerk of Session
s &t a recent Session meeting and in conjunction with the Board cf Menagers,
it was decided to set a goal of $5,000 for our Centennial project. This
may seem a lot but when everyone in the congregation does his or her part
it can be reached with hard work and dedication. We visualize projects
being undertaken by cur various groups and organizations throughout the