; We have much tc be thankful for as we lock back over the year just past.
On behalf of the congregation we extend cur appreciation to all those
people who have done sc much work for our church during the year: the
i Organist end Choirs; the Sunday School staff; the youth organizations!
leaders; the ladies of the various Circles; the members of the Board of
Management; Mrs. H. Mitchell, our typist; our caretaker, Mr. J, Senders;
and all those who have worked "behind the scenes" and remain nameless,
Without these dedicated workers our congregation ould be seriously han-
Because of donations received, Session was able to continue the decoration
of the Church with the laying of carpet in the centre aisle and across the
front of the Sanctuery. Painting was done in the entrance halls and stair-
wells. A much-needed light was donated for the pulpit by the Explorers.
Early in the year, the pews, pulpit, lectern and benches were all refini-
shed. In these ways, we have attempted to enhance the beauty of the Sanc-
tuary to the glory of God. Our sincere thanks to those whose donations
and labour made these improvements possible.
Our thenks alse go to those whose donations made possible the purchase of
260 copies of the New Book of Praise for the use of the congregation. This
was e splendid end rewarding effort.
Session held a Plant Sale which was well Supported by cur members and
others. This hes become an annual event and we look forward to your con-
tinued support. From profits made a donation was forwarded to the Board
3 of Managers,
Your Session, in response to a request, scheduled an evening communicn ser-
vice in December for the first time, As thet service wes well received,
it was decided to hold an evening communion service on a regular basis each
December and March. The annual recepticn for new members was held follo-
wing the evening communion service in December. We appreciate your atten-
dance and your welcome to those received into our membership during 1973.
During 1973 lr. John Gillespie, due to Fressure of work and long service,
resigned his position as Clerk of Sessicn, having held that post for a
period of fifteen years. Our sincere thanks go to John for his service
and dedication in end for our congregation since its beginnings. Robert
Renton was elected to the post of Clerk of Session in November, 1973.
George Forsyth, Jr. was elected as our representative elder to the Pres-
bytery of YWaterloo-ellington and the alternate is Mr. A. Fairbairn, At
the annual Congregetional Meeting eight new members of Session were elec-
ted: Messrs. Eerl Barber, Alistair Fairbairn, Bob Harwood, George McAl-
pine, Murrey Robinson, Eric Smart, Bob Stinson and Mrs. Beuleh Gorman,
Mrs. Gormen is the first lady member of Session in our congregation.
During the year, Session noteé with sorrow the passing of its eldest mem-
ber, Mr. Thomas Brydon, who had been ordained an elder on February 26th,
1928, et the old St. Faults Presbyterian Church. Session noted with re-
eret the loss of its members, Mr. A. Bowman and Mr. Wm. Elliott, by trans-
fer to sister congregetions.
In 1973, we accepted a figure of $2,100 as our contribution to the Generel
: Assembly Budget. By the end of the year we had sent $2,027.40¢ to the
Treasurer of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Toronto. We commend you
for this effort end encourage you to accept the allocation for 1974 an@
to support it if possible.